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Celebrating Hugo Hellman on KTWH

Celebrating Hugo Hellman on KTWH

i May 26th No Comments by

UPDATE: The hour long Hugo Hellman special is now available to listen to, just click HERE

KTWH will be airing an hour-long special, “Hugo Hellman, the Strongest Man in Brimson, in His Own Voice”, on Sunday May 28 at 7:00pm. It will be repeated Monday morning in what is usually the Classic Country Detour slot at 9:00am.

Hugo shares a lot of history about growing up in Brimson/Toimi and making a living there in an interview done in August, 2015. You also get to hear Hugo’s daughter Gerri on the accordion, recorded about the same time at the Brimson Farmers’ Market which happens Saturday mornings during the summer at Hugo’s in Brimson. Don’t miss out on this special program about this special man.

We expect to have the program posted here on our website later in the Memorial Day week – check back to listen at your leisure.

Listen: Mothers’ Day Dedications Show

Our special program on Mothers’ Day of dedications to mothers from kids aged 12 to 78 was so well received, we decided to post it here for the appreciation of all. While listening, think about creating your tribute to a father in your life for Fathers’ Day – coming right up on June 18!

Messages (written or sound files) may be submitted by email or by coming into our studio to record in your own voice. Just call 218-595-6195 or email to set up an appointment or relay a message by June 16.

*featured in the photo – Mothers’ Day Show host Mychele with daughter Jessica

Honoring Mothers and all Women this Mothers Day!

Honoring Mothers and all Women this Mothers Day!

i May 3rd No Comments by

UPDATE: Our collection of Mothers’ Day Tributes will air Sunday May 14, at 2:30PM and again at 9:00PM! Mychele Anderson and Julie Luchsinger will host the collection of recordings from kids to elders! Thanks to all of those who contributed to making this a Special Mothers’ Day on KTWH!

Michelle Miller will intersperse the early Mother’s Day dedications in her Grounds Control show Thursday morning. 

There are so many ways to honor mothers on Mothers’ Day – flowers, candy, a card, a special meal or gift, even a billboard!

Two Harbors Community Radio is offering a novel way to show appreciation for the mothers in our lives this year. Your message to a mother, whether your own, the mother of your children, or any woman who has made a difference to you, may be broadcast on KTWH 99.5FM this Mother’s Day, Sunday May 14.
Your message can be delivered in three different ways: record the message yourself in the KTWH studio by appointment, send a sound file you have recorded on your smart phone or other device, or send the station a written message to be read for you. Maximum length is 30 seconds or about 75 words.

The deadline for submissions and studio recording sessions is noon Saturday, May 13. Messages received before Thursday, May 11 will also be broadcast during that morning’s Grounds Control morning show with Michelle Miller, between 7 and 9am. Contact KTWH at, or PO Box 622, Two Harbors, 55616.

Watch our Two Harbors Community Radio Facebook page and this website’s postings or listen to us at 99.5FM for details of the broadcast times for the special Mothers’ Day messages.
Personal messages such as birthday greetings, graduation congratulations, etc. maybe broadcast any day on KTWH for a $10 donation. In the case of Mothers’ Day (and Fathers’ Day of course!) however this service is offered free to listeners in appreciation of their support.