Wandering Nature News- Hear Regular Outdoors Updates on KTWH

i Jul 10th No Comments by

In the fall of 2022 KTWH started running a series of conversations with Gooseberry Falls State Park Naturalist Michaela Rice. A Minnesota born wildlife biologist, Michaela has embraced many venues for reaching out beyond visitors to Gooseberry to share insights and wonders of the seasons on the North Shore with the local community. We hear reports of what she is observing in the park as well as across the area’s shorelines, fields, lakes and streams, forests and skies.

Check out Wandering Nature News every other week on KTWH, almost always in the 8 am hour during Leo Babeu’s Across Divides morning variety program. Topics range from what’s blooming to how the birds know when to migrate, to fun facts about creatures great and small, and concerns for the health of our forests and waterways. Sometimes we’ll invite special guest resource experts on diverse topics that have ranged from loons to removing lead from our outdoor gear, from feral hogs to forest health. The conversation takes many turns as we sometimes migrate into environmental topics like climate change and threats from invasive species We always keep our eyes and ears on the phenology highlights radio listeners can find in every Northland season. Hear it only at 99.5 FM or streaming online at ktwh.org.


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