Listen to the Fastest 60 Minutes on the North Shore

i Dec 3rd 1 Comment by

The board at Two Harbors Community Radio and the broadcast team at KTWH-LP FM 99.5 are excited to announce the launch of a new program with a new format for our station (live streaming on

The program title is “The Fastest 60 Minutes on the North Shore” and the show will be devoted to Classic Rock & Roll for 60 minutes every Tuesday morning at 9AM with a rebroadcast of the previous show that week on Sunday evening at 6PM. It will be back-to-back Rock & Roll for a solid 60 minutes.

The hosting personality of our new show will be the Fishman (Friend of the Sasquatch). Fishman will be playing a selection of Classic Rock songs from as far back as the 1950’s up to the current music of the genre today. The program will a include commentary of interesting facts (aka the back story) on selected songs with some humor.

The hour will be filled with rock, humor, and a smattering of musical facts known as the back story. You’ll tap your fingers and toes to music you may already know but may not have heard for a while. It will go faster than you think, and leave you wanting more.

It’s The Fastest 60 Minutes on the North Shore-where 60 minutes doesn’t seem like an hour.

Who is the Fishman and why do the Sasquatch like him? You just may find out, starting December 3rd – catch it at 99.5 FM or stream it at every Tuesday at 9AM with a repeat Sunday at 6PM, right here on KTWH!


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