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New Show – Literally From The North Shore

New Show – Literally From The North Shore

i Aug 8th 3 Comments by

Literally From The North Shore will begin to air on Monday, August 20th.  Tune in every weekday from 1:00 to 1:30 to hear novels, short stories and nonfiction written by local and regional authors as well as classics you may have forgotten or never got around to reading.  Help is here for your “So many books, So little time Syndrome”.

All local programming for Heritage Days weekend!

All local programming for Heritage Days weekend!

i Jul 5th No Comments by

In honor of the homecomers for the Heritage Days weekend, we are featuring ALL locally produced programs from Friday through Sunday, July 6-8 (with just one exception each day, at the beginning or end of the broadcast day.) A lot of the schedule is as usual, but besides the special live broadcasts from Heritage Days itself (noon, 1pm and 4:30pm on Friday, 11am Saturday), we have added extra repeats of programming highlights and shows that don’t otherwise air during this part of the week. A special feature will be 2 hours of highlights from the 2015 – 2017 Cabin Fever Reliever Variety Shows, will all local talent. Those highlights will air Sunday morning from 9 to 11 am.

Click on the link below to see the hour-by-hour program grid for Heritage Days weekend.

Heritage Days grid Fri-Sun 2018

Heritage Days LIVE BROADCASTING & special programming

Heritage Days LIVE BROADCASTING & special programming

i Jun 25th No Comments by

KTWH will be helping celebrate Heritage Days in Two Harbors with a series of LIVE BROADCASTS from the scene! Come and find us at our booth, or tune in at 99.5fm or

  • Friday July 6, Noon-1:00pmKick off with Michelle Miller and Belle Nelson.  Enjoy hearing the history of Heritage Days, KTWH station info, and interviews with Heritage Days participants.
  • Friday 1:00- 2:00pm: Live broadcast of The High School Show.  Youth Radio Initiative participants Jackson Leon, Sam Knight and Logan Ranta-Martin will be interviewing Mayor Chris Swanson along with by-passers perhaps and sharing local happenings along with their wide-ranging taste in music.
  • Friday 4:30-5:30pm: Live broadcast of the Lutefisk Toss, it’s the Norwegians vs. the Swedes as usual, with special announcers Dale Moe and Al Anderson, and some THUG music in the background we hope!
  • Saturday July 7, 11:00am-Noon: Live broadcast of The Hot Dish Imperative.  Host Chef Uriah Hefter will be grilling at our booth with the help of Kim Leon.

On Saturday, KTWH will be in the parade, kicking off at 1:00pm, with some special gifts for bystanders.

Photo: Dave’s Beat Farm float in the 2016 Heritage Days Parade

AND when not broadcasting from the festivities, we will be at our booth with program grids, donation forms, and recorders – record your own station ID for us to share your voice on KTWH! We will also have hard copies of our Listener Survey – your chance for input into your station.

Also when not broadcasting live from the scene of Heritage Days, we will be featuring all local programming for the duration, Friday through Sunday. Our usual limited outside programs will be pre-empted by more local programs and repeats of local shows to show you what we are all about!

Listen to or 99.5FM, Your Community Radio Station,  throughout Heritage Days for all locally produced programming.

KTWH Listener Survey

KTWH Listener Survey

i Jun 6th No Comments by

KTWH  wants you to tell us how we are doing, what you listen to now and what  kinds of programming you’d like us to put on your Community Radio.  Please take a minute to fill out our survey by following the link below.  THANK YOU

CHICAGO’S WGN 720 AM Features KTWH on its “Low Power to the People” program.

i Apr 4th No Comments by


Two Harbors Community Radio’s Katya Gordon and Leo Babeu were interviewed by DJ Mike Stephen on March 31st.  They talked about what makes Two Harbors a special place and how a corps of young and old local programmers are bringing fun and diverse programming to our area.


Coming Soon – Fall Fund Drive, Harvest Moon Gala

Coming Soon – Fall Fund Drive, Harvest Moon Gala

i Sep 23rd No Comments by
KTWH recently marked our second anniversary on the air, and we are proud of it! We continue to grow and add new local programming – most recently George’s Hootenanny ’17, featuring 60’s-era folk revival classics and lesser-knowns (Mondays from 5:00-6:00pm.) More new shows are in the works, and live high school sports coverage is now a regular feature (next football game: Friday September 29, 6:55pm.) We have recently gotten positive feedback on our programming from at least three continents!
Along with our second anniversary comes our second Annual Fall FUNd DriveWhat?! you say – didn’t we just have an on-air fund drive recently? Indeed we did, we held a special summer FUNd Drive in July to give our summer residents and visitors a chance to show their support for our station. It was a success, we met our goal.
But we realize while some listeners are only around in the summer, many are also gone for parts of the summer and might have missed out on the opportunity to show their support to this unique and vital part of our community.
Therefore, you are invited to show your support this week, September 25-30, and also to consider becoming a sustaining supporter of our radio service. Sustainers help our financial planning immensely with regular monthly donations of whatever amount they are comfortable with. We currently have sustainers giving from $5 to $30 monthly.
You are welcome to contribute here at any time, and check out the premiums available here. Enjoy the special features many of our programmers will add to their shows this week for FUNd Drive, and call in your support to 218-595-6195 during your favorite show or mention it in comments when you visit our website’s donation page.
Note the above poster for our HARVEST MOON GALA EVENT, October 14, at the American Legion in Two Harbors, lower level. Details are on the poster, but note that dinner ticket sales are limited in number (stop by our studio for yours soon), and entertainment tickets are $10 in advance, $15 at the door. It will be a great time, to be missed!!! (more details coming in another post soon!)
Celebrating Hugo Hellman on KTWH

Celebrating Hugo Hellman on KTWH

i May 26th No Comments by

UPDATE: The hour long Hugo Hellman special is now available to listen to, just click HERE

KTWH will be airing an hour-long special, “Hugo Hellman, the Strongest Man in Brimson, in His Own Voice”, on Sunday May 28 at 7:00pm. It will be repeated Monday morning in what is usually the Classic Country Detour slot at 9:00am.

Hugo shares a lot of history about growing up in Brimson/Toimi and making a living there in an interview done in August, 2015. You also get to hear Hugo’s daughter Gerri on the accordion, recorded about the same time at the Brimson Farmers’ Market which happens Saturday mornings during the summer at Hugo’s in Brimson. Don’t miss out on this special program about this special man.

We expect to have the program posted here on our website later in the Memorial Day week – check back to listen at your leisure.

Honoring Mothers and all Women this Mothers Day!

Honoring Mothers and all Women this Mothers Day!

i May 3rd No Comments by

UPDATE: Our collection of Mothers’ Day Tributes will air Sunday May 14, at 2:30PM and again at 9:00PM! Mychele Anderson and Julie Luchsinger will host the collection of recordings from kids to elders! Thanks to all of those who contributed to making this a Special Mothers’ Day on KTWH!

Michelle Miller will intersperse the early Mother’s Day dedications in her Grounds Control show Thursday morning. 

There are so many ways to honor mothers on Mothers’ Day – flowers, candy, a card, a special meal or gift, even a billboard!

Two Harbors Community Radio is offering a novel way to show appreciation for the mothers in our lives this year. Your message to a mother, whether your own, the mother of your children, or any woman who has made a difference to you, may be broadcast on KTWH 99.5FM this Mother’s Day, Sunday May 14.
Your message can be delivered in three different ways: record the message yourself in the KTWH studio by appointment, send a sound file you have recorded on your smart phone or other device, or send the station a written message to be read for you. Maximum length is 30 seconds or about 75 words.

The deadline for submissions and studio recording sessions is noon Saturday, May 13. Messages received before Thursday, May 11 will also be broadcast during that morning’s Grounds Control morning show with Michelle Miller, between 7 and 9am. Contact KTWH at, or PO Box 622, Two Harbors, 55616.

Watch our Two Harbors Community Radio Facebook page and this website’s postings or listen to us at 99.5FM for details of the broadcast times for the special Mothers’ Day messages.
Personal messages such as birthday greetings, graduation congratulations, etc. maybe broadcast any day on KTWH for a $10 donation. In the case of Mothers’ Day (and Fathers’ Day of course!) however this service is offered free to listeners in appreciation of their support.

Host Harvest Musical Memories

i Sep 17th No Comments by

Most everyone who grew up in the late 1960’s and early 70’s, knew someone like Robert Johnson, host of Two Harbors Community Radio’s ‘Harvest Program.’ A young adult with a massive record collection and an almost encyclopedic knowledge of music. They were the go-to person who could settle any disagreement concerning the members of a band or the author of a particular song. Ever wonder what happened to such people after high school or college?

In Robert’s case, his passion for music did not fade away as the years progressed. While attending college in Staples, MN he used a major portion of his $1500 of what would now be called his Student Loan to travel to Minneapolis and purchase over 100 vintage albums. After college, he found work in San Jose at a record factory which led to a position at one of Tower Records flagship stores. From there it was onto community radio station KKUP in Cupertino, CA. It was here he became enamored with the somewhat legendary KFAT in Gilroy, CA. KFAT (now KPIG) was notable as a freeform alternative country station and was also responsible for many of the comedic parodies of radio ads that proliferated on the airwaves during the 80’s. He eventually returned to Minnesota and spent 12 years working the record section of Carlson Books in Duluth.

The Harvest Program is very aptly named in that over the years Robert has separated the wheat from the chaff, preserving the very best from each decade of vinyl. The music heard is a mixture of blues, country, folk, jazz, and rock that flows seamlessly from one song to another. The background and history provided for the various tunes of interest is presented in a friendly matter of fact manner. What the listener does not see when the mic is off and the music is playing is that the DJ/host/producer is rocking out like 15 year old headbanger with the speakers at full volume.

One of the inaugural programs that launched KTWH during its first week on the air, it can be heard ‘live’ Tuesday mornings at 9 AM. It is rebroadcast at noon on Saturdays.

KTWH-LP, 99.5 FM, is a volunteer run non-profit serving the town of Two Harbors and surrounding area with a broadcast range of 10 miles. It streams online at


Northwoods Archive: Archivist’s Ambitious Undertaking

i Aug 28th No Comments by

Two Harbors Community Radio’s program description for the Monday night music show, Northwoods Archive, lists it as “a musical sojourn exploring a common thread.”

When host Shane Dickey was asked how he goes about selecting a particular theme for the show, he replied, “There’s not a solid theme for each show, it’s more of a feeling I’m having that day that connects each song.”

Much like making a mixtape with a friend in mind, the content of the show is a means for Dickey to connect and communicate with his audience via the medium of music. The show is a mixture of genres as well as a blend of both lesser and more well-known artists.

Because he is a music archivist in his personal life as well as managing the station’s collection, his broad goal is to play only one song per artist in order to showcase as many musicians as possible.

“As much as I love Brother Ray, if I play ‘One Mint Julip’ that means Mr. Charles is forever off limits,” Dickey said. “It is easy to fall into a rut by allowing yourself to use prolific artists like Ray Charles, Prince, or even the band Chicago as ‘go to’ fillers in a playlist. The challenge is to keep it fresh. If I want to play ‘Georgia on My Mind’ now that Ray Charles has had his turn, I will select another artist that has covered it. Sometimes that version is a much better fit than if I had gone straight to Ray.”

Dickey developed an interest in music both new and old during the 80’s. Like a lot of kids, he got his start by rummaging through his grandparents’ and parents’ vinyl record collections. But it was hearing the Beatles for the first time that truly fanned the flames of his musical passion.

While not one of the founding Two Harbors Community Radio volunteers, Dickey has become an integral member. Board member, mentor, program producer and host, and manager of the station’s music archives are some of the titles he holds.

Northwoods Archive airs Mondays at 7 p.m. and re-airs Fridays at 3 p.m. KTWH-LP, 99.5 FM, is a volunteer run non-profit serving the town of Two Harbors and surrounding area with a broadcast range of 10 miles. It streams online at