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Listen: Mothers’ Day Dedications Show

Our special program on Mothers’ Day of dedications to mothers from kids aged 12 to 78 was so well received, we decided to post it here for the appreciation of all. While listening, think about creating your tribute to a father in your life for Fathers’ Day – coming right up on June 18!

Messages (written or sound files) may be submitted by email or by coming into our studio to record in your own voice. Just call 218-595-6195 or email to set up an appointment or relay a message by June 16.

*featured in the photo – Mothers’ Day Show host Mychele with daughter Jessica



i Aug 2nd No Comments by

The THUGs (Two Harbors Ukulele Group) have become an integral part of the Two Harbors music scene, often gracing our community events with their songs and tunes. Here you can listen to their performance of White Sport Coat at the Heritage Days 2014 stage.

Santa for Sale

Santa for Sale

i Aug 2nd No Comments by

Two Harbors Community Radio captures a sight to behold: Santa on a motorcycle, looking for a new home. Hear the sellers give their pitch – maybe Santa is looking for you! [Update: THCR has learned that Santa has already found a new home, so please don’t call the phone number mentioned]

Alice Sande Interview

At Heritage Days 2014, Age-to-age intern Kiersten Haaversen interviewed Two Harbors native and THCR supporter Alice Sande at our tent. With intermittent choruses of cheers and groans coming from the annual lutefisk toss event in the background, Alice captures the spirit of Heritage Days.

Grown By Our Own Interviews

Grown By Our Own Interviews

The 3rd Annual Grown by our Own local foods event was held on May 20th at the Two Harbors Community Center, and our reporter Dale Peterson was on hand to capture some reactions from attendees and vendors alike.

North Shore Journal - Grown By Our Own

North Shore Journal – Grown By Our Own article (pdf)

Sounds of the Season – Water, and Wind in April

Sounds of the Season – Water, and Wind in April

Sounds of the Season – normally by the end of April we might be hearing more bird songs and other wildlife calls. This year our soundscape consists of running water and wind. Snowmelt – it will take some time to relieve ourselves of the winter’s extra-generous bequest of snow cover.

This file begins with about a minute each of water babbling briskly in an ephemeral stream (one which only flows in the spring with runoff or after major downpours) and the same stream heard from under 16” of persistent snowcover; then a slushy approach down steps to the foot of the lower Gooseberry Falls – the roar of which eventually overwhelms the observers, followed by the roar of the upper Gooseberry Falls (can you hear a difference?); and finally the light whooshing sound of the wind in a lone mature white pine holding forth above the relentless gusts in a mixed forest of younger birch and aspen, still bare of any foliage of course. All recordings made April 26 and 27, 2014 in Lake County, Minnesota.

How and why Fran got to Korea, and what the weather is like there – Part 1

How and why Fran got to Korea, and what the weather is like there – Part 1

Dale and Fran talk about Dale’s native country, South Korea

How and where Fran spends her time in Korea – Part 2

Dale and Fran talk about Dale’s native country, South Korea

Dale’s questions about Korean culture – their language, dress and ceremonies – Part 3

Dale and Fran talk about Dale’s native country, South Korea

Dale and Fran on Korean foods – Part 4

Dale and Fran talk about Dale’s native country, South Korea