Two Harbors Community Radio will be hosting its 5th annual Cabin Fever Reliever music and entertainment extravaganza at the Two Harbors High School Auditorium on Sunday, March 24 at 3:00 p.m. This year’s Cabin Fever Reliever will showcase stellar music and storytelling. Our featured guest this year is Red House Records recording artist Charlie Parr, a brilliant blues and folk musician hailing from Duluth, who will play an extended set. The show’s Emcees this year will be The McCullough Brothers, also part of The Northwoods Band, an outfit named best band in the Northland in the Reader Weekly’s 2018 & 2019 Polls. Also featured will be youthful Knife River piano wizard Eddie Ojard, storyteller Shane Dickey, and singer Kelli Scoggin from Two Harbors High School. Cabin Fever once again welcomes the return of our one-of-a-kind house band: THUG (Two Harbor Ukulele Group). This is a something-for-everyone event.
The Cedar Coffee Company will be selling gourmet coffee and treats before the show and at intermission. Free desserts and cider will be available as well. A selection of baked items featuring gourmet bread will be available for purchase at the show, as will be a lovely collection of donated art work and gift certificates courtesy of the many business supporters of KTWH.
Again this year we are opening the lobby at 2:00 p.m. for kids’ activities such as face painting, a percussion music circle, and the opportunity for kids and adults to record a legal station ID for broadcast. You can also make a donation or become a sustaining member and instantly receive a KTWH premium. THUG will open the pre-show at 2:30 with a 30 minute performance, so come and get your seats early and enjoy ALL the fun!
Tickets are on sale at the KTWH studios, Tues-Fri. 1-5 pm (Harbor Landing Building, corner of 7th Ave. and 7th St. in Two Harbors) and at the Cedar Coffee Company (1130 11th St., just north of Shopko) and the Mocha Moose Café (543 Scenic Dr, Two Harbors) during their business hours. Tickets run $12 adults ($10 in advance), $7 for students and seniors, $3 kids under 5, and $25 for a family. Tickets are also available at the door.
KTWH wants you to tell us how we are doing, what you listen to now and what kinds of programming you’d like us to put on your Community Radio. Please take a minute to fill out our survey by following the link below. THANK YOU