Two Harbors Community Radio will be hosting its 3rd annual Cabin Fever Reliever music and entertainment extravaganza at the Two Harbors High School Auditorium on Sunday, March 5 at 3:00 p.m. Expanding to a larger place due to high demand, this year’s Cabin Fever Reliever will showcase a wide variety of artists and styles, all homegrown, all with unique energies. The line-up includes bands like the Northwoods Band and THUG as well as many high school performers like Erika Pelach with her guitar, singer-songwriters like Hannah Rey, oral storytellers like Shane Dickey, and folk musicians like Arna Rennan. Gail Francis will perform a cappella, Nancy McGibbon will be on the ukulele, and Meghan Cavallin will be there with her guitar. The intermission will be punctuated with “Just for Kix” middle school dance teams from Two Harbors. This is a something-for-everyone event.
The Cedar Coffee Company will be selling gourmet coffee and treats before the show and at intermission, and free snacks and drinks are available as well.
Tickets will be on sale after Feb. 6 at KTWH Mon-Fri. 1-5 pm (Harbors Landing Building, corner of 7thAve. and 7th St. in Two Harbors) or at the Cedar Coffee Company (1130 11th St., just north of Shopko): $10 adults ($8 in advance), $5 seniors, $3 kids under 5, $25 for a family. Tickets also available at the door.
Two Harbors Community Radio (KTWH) 99.5 fm is a non-profit radio station that provides low power listener-supported radio to build community in the greater Two Harbors area through inter-generational grassroots participation. Two Harbors Community Radio offers an open forum for all voices to be heard in an atmosphere of respectful inquiry into our shared social issues and respective cultural expressions and beliefs.