Madeline Jarvis shares Two Harbors Public Library news on Michelle Miller’s Coffee Talk
Michaela Rice, Gooseberry Park Naturalist brings Wandering Nature News with Leo Babeu
Annie Levenstein-Falk, Executive Director, Citizens Utility Board, talks with Katya Gordon about the proposed sale of Minnesota Power
Gwen Plumb, Citizens’ Climate Lobby, talks with Katya Gordon about her day lobbying for clean energy at the St.Capitol
Megan Huseth of Community Partners and Darren Schmitt, Habitat for Humanity, talk with Leo Babeu about the Age in Place exterior house repairs project for area seniors
Weather Tidbits from Kenny Blumenfeld, DNR senior climatologist
The North Shore Community School Phenology Report with this week’s phenologist, Blake
The Indecent Proposal band gives an in-studio performance on Michelle Miller’s Coffee Talk
Michelle Pierson talks with Leo Babeu about news from the Gitchi Gammi Trail Association
Katya Gordon interviews with candidates for Cooperative Light & Power Board of directors; Scott Veitenheimer, incumbent Dist. 2, Justin Osadjan, challenger Dist 2, and Roger Peterson, unopposed, Dist 5,. CLP coop members may want to contact CLP at 218-834-2226 for complete information on the Bylaws and Articles voting process:
Scott Veitenheimer Interview
Roger Peterson Interview
Justin Osadjan Interview
Weather Tidbits from Kenny Blumenfeld, DNR senior climatologist
The North Shore Community School Phenology Report with this week’s phenologist, Cadence
Madeline Jarvis shares Two Harbors Public Library news on Michelle Miller’s Coffee Talk
Ava Oswald-Swenson and Aili Gischia, seniors from Two Harbors High School, talk with Katya Gordon about upcoming band and choir contests
Matt Johnson, Lake County HRA Director, talks with Katya Gordon, giving an overview of what’s happening with housing
Leo Babeu presents a Community Media Assistance Project (CMAP) report
Dave Hendren, local Lake Superior dipper, talks with Katya Gordon
Weather Tidbits from Kenny Blumenfeld, DNR senior climatologist
J. Timothy Quirk, creator and producer of Barnaby Druthers Radio Theater is interviewed on Michelle Miller’s Coffee Talk
Tom Koehler, cast member of Death Comes for the DJ radio theater production, talks with Michelle Miller
Brendan Cole, Plant Manager at Louisiana Pacific, talks with Katya Gordon about the company’s 40 year history in Two Harbors
Brian Vroman, Itasca Indivisible, talks with Leo Babeu about citizens petitioning Rep. Stauber over the actions of DOGE affecting federal programs and employees and people across MN
Jenna Kaiser, forester with Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District, talks with Katya Gordon about tree-planting inventory and other projects
The North Shore Community School Phenology Report with this week’s phenologist, Estelle
Weather Tidbits from Kenny Blumenfeld, DNR senior climatologist
Madeline Jarvis shares Two Harbors Public Library news on Michelle Miller’s Coffee Talk
Erika Adams talks about the cast with the KTWH production “Barnaby Druthers” on Michelle Miller’s Coffee Talk
Ava Oswalk-Swenson, Senior member of Two Harbors High School Choir talks with Katya Gordon about the upcoming concert Monday, 24 February at 7:00 PM
Rachel Clark from Finland Home Solutions, talks with Katya Gordon about the recent meeting and brainstorming dinner
Weather Tidbits from Kenny Blumenfeld, DNR senior climatologist
The North Shore Community School Phenology Report with this week’s phenologist, Isabelle
Paul Von Goertz talks with Katya Gordon, telling us about a recent scam with an artificial intelligence (AI) voice that was indistinguishable from a good friend
Michaela Rice, Gooseberry Park Naturalist brings Wandering Nature News with Leo Babeu
Michelle McDonald, Development achievement Center (DAC) director, talks with Katya Gordon, giving a shout-out for volunteer sites and also volunteers
Chrissy Scandin, owner of Lagom by dept2 on Main street about her business and the wellness weekend coming up
The North Shore Community School Phenology Report with this week’s phenologist, Estelle
Weather Tidbits from Kenny Blumenfeld, DNR senior climatologist
Live coverage of Two Harbors’ first Polar Plunge at Burlington Bay, with Roving Reporter John Krengel Friday February 7
The North Shore Community School Phenology Report with this week’s phenologist, Penelope
Michelle Miller interviews Sara Cuypers about Winter Frolic activities
Katya Gordon interviews Jesse Dewey, President of the local Moose Club – its history and role in the Winter Frolic
Leo Babeu with Nicole Larson and Jerry Crittendon of AEOA about the Headstart program – its benefits and recent funding threats
Katya with local birding authority Jim Lind on the ongoing owl irruption in our area
Katya with Kenny Blumenfeld, DNR Senior Climatologist – active weather patterns!
Leo interviews Uriah Hefter, city councilman and newly elected city council president
Lisa Hebl and Cindy Ortman, swimmers, discuss the early morning swimming at THHS with Katya, leading in to a discussion of a polar dip happening Friday Feb. 7 at 5:00 p.m. at Burlington Bay
Katya talks with Erin Mecklin, organizer of the Winter Frolic, with a rundown of all activities and a shoutout for more organizers in future years. New this year: fireworks Saturday night!
The North Shore Community School Phenology Report with this week’s phenologist, Esther
Leo hosts Gooseberry State Park naturalist Michaela Rice and poet Shelley Getten reading her poetry
The North Shore Community School Phenology Report with this week’s phenologist, Noah
Katya talks with Kelly Mark, Principal of K-5 Elementary school in Pennsylvania on their “Walking School Bus” program, started and maintained by retired adults in the community. Could it be done here?
A.R. Stern, Author on the release of “Scion of the Swarm”, on Michelle Miller’s Coffee Talk
Becky Meyer, Wolf Ridge Program Director, talks with Katya Gordon about a grant project enlisting Native American Consultants
Erin Mecklin, Winter Frolic Volunteer, talks with Leo Babeu about the 2025 Two Harbors Winter Frolic, February 7th & 8th
Weather Tidbits from Kenny Blumenfeld, DNR senior climatologist
The North Shore Community School Phenology Report with this week’s phenologist, Chance
Madeline Jarvis shares Two Harbors Public Library news on Michelle Miller’s Coffee Talk
Tim Reppe, Two Harbors City Recreation, talks with Katya Gordon about open/free skating at the hockey arena and two flooded rinks in town (Seagog and Odegaard)
Michelle Miller, Co-CEO of the Armory Arts and Music Center in Duluth, talks with Leo Babeu about the restoration of the Duluth Armory and an upcoming benefit event
Ellen Hufschmidt, former co-producer and visionary for the End of Life series previously broadcast on KTWH in 2021-2, talks with Katya Gordon, presenting a wonderful re-visit of the series
Weather Tidbits from Kenny Blumenfeld, DNR senior climatologist
The North Shore Community School Phenology Report with this week’s phenologist, Merrik
KTWH Volunteerism during 2024 is discussed on Michelle Miller’s Coffee Talk
John Erb Furbearer, wolf research scientist with the MN DNR talks with Katya Gordon about wildlife adaptations with a changing climate
MN State Representative Natalie Zeleznikar talks with Katya Gordon about what she will be working on this legislative session
Weather Tidbits from Kenny Blumenfeld, DNR senior climatologist
***Kenny is presenting on Tuesday at 11:30am in Duluth, focusing on winter climate trends and updated info. with Twin Ports Climate Conversations. Free, but registration is required to get location, google “Twin Ports Climate Conversations January”***
Weather Tidbits from Kenny Blumenfeld, DNR senior climatologist
Madeline Jarvis shares Two Harbors Public Library news on Michelle Miller’s Coffee Talk
Lily Kline, hospice Volunteer, talks with Katya Gordon about their need for volunteers, training, and skills
Mark Gordon, Two Harbors Area Recreational Trail Alliance, talks with Katya Gordon about a plan for larger trail coordination development
Megan Brown, leader of the Area Youth Ski Nordic program, talks with Katya Gordon
Heather Winesett, organizer of Feeding Hearts for the Holidays, talks with Katya Gordon about the CHUM breakfast celebration on Christmas morning in Duluth
Weather Tidbits from Kenny Blumenfeld, DNR senior climatologist
The North Shore Community School Phenology Report with this week’s phenologist, Teddy
Madeline Jarvis shares Two Harbors Public Library news on Michelle Miller’s Coffee Talk
Michaela Rice, Gooseberry Park Naturalist brings Wandering Nature News with Leo Babeu
Ray Salakka, current leader of the Senior Woodshop, talks with Katya Gordon and gives a shout-out for new members and a tribute to Warren Johnson
Weather Tidbits from Kenny Blumenfeld, DNR senior climatologist
The North Shore Community School Phenology Report with this week’s phenologist, Ellie
Lisa Luokkala, Director Superior Hiking Trail, talks with Katya Gordon about trailwork and volunteer opportunities
Rosie Cruikshank, Eckerd University Student, talks with Katya Gordon about her Fall Experience with Herricanes Helene & Milton
Paula Maccabee, Legal Counselor, talks with Leo Babeu about the Water Legacy case at the Minnesota Court of Appeals requiring an Environmental Impact Statement on the tailings basin and dam run by North Shore Mining, Silver Bay
Weather Tidbits from Kenny Blumenfeld, DNR senior climatologist
The North Shore Community School Phenology Report with this week’s phenologist, Tobias
Madeline Jarvis shares Two Harbors Public Library news on Michelle Miller’s Coffee Talk
Barbie Tanaka talks with Katya Gordon, exploring the “Torah Club”, a Jewish Messianic Bible study
Helen Hedlund, Event Chair, talks with Leo Babeu about the Julebyen Event in Knife River, MN
Becky Meyer, Program Director at Wolf Ridge, talks with Katya Gordon about adult learning programs at Wolf Ridge
Matt Bachman, Co-Founder, talks with Leo Babeu about the inaugural Shorts in Winter film fest
Michaela Rice, Gooseberry Park Naturalist brings Wandering Nature News with Leo Babeu
A hunting season story of fences (sort of)
The North Shore Community School Phenology Report with this week’s phenologist, Eliot
Madeline Jarvis, Two Harbors Public Library reports news on Michelle Miller’s Coffee Talk
Mackenzie Foley with Isaiah, a community-empowering organization, talks with Katya Gordon
Michelle Pierson, Gitchi Gami Trail Association, talks with Katya Gordon about a continuous trail from Two Harbors to Grand Marais
Jenna Udenberg, Above and Beyond with U Non-profit, talks with Katya Gordon about storytelling & the new structure of the non-profit
Weather Tidbits from Kenny Blumenfeld, DNR senior climatologist
The North Shore Community School Phenology Report with this week’s phenologist, Jaylon
Jenna Ray, Executive Director of Give MN on Michelle Miller’s Coffee Talk
Mark Laiti, talks with Katya Gordon about a Two Harbors gospel jam group that meets monthly
John Hageman, Wolf Track Energy (Solar company in Two Harbors) talks with Katy Gordon about solar installations, rebates, and opportunities
Youth Radio interview with Dana Thewis of Community Partners re Give to the Max days
Weather Tidbits from Kenny Blumenfeld, DNR senior climatologist
The North Shore Community School Phenology Report with this week’s phenologist, Penelope
Anna Henderson, author of “Core Samples”, talks with Katya Gordon about her experiences as a scientist and then a climate author
Katya Gordon interviewed the playwright and producers of the new radio play, The Last Voyage of the Edmund Fitzgerald. Find her interview and a link to the play itself here.
Weather Tidbits from Kenny Blumenfeld, DNR senior climatologist