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Rural Voice Forum on Affordable Housing 9-19-2023
Clover Valley Farm Trail Fest interviews (2023)
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Program Grid Descriptions
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Program Grid
Two Harbors Community Radio
Hearing local voices • KTwH 99.5 FM (broadcasting soon)
Beat Farm 25-03-21 L&C, Austin Castle WEB 128 mono
KG&Annie Levenstein-Falk_ED of Citizens Utility Board
KG & Kenny Weather
KG & Gwen Plumb_Citizens Climate Lobby volunteer
25-03-19_Leo-Megan Comm Part-Darren Schmitt, Habitat
25-03_19_Leo-Michaela Rice_Springing Eventually_ fun events
MM with Madeline&Library News
City Council Candidate Forum - 3192025 (as from Jose)
LV Ep 44 Privacy,PersonalSpace,128
KG & Justin Osadjan CLP candidate for D2
25-03-12_Leo Michelle Pierson-Gitchi Gammi Trail update
NSCS phenology 25-03-14 Blake
MM with Indecent Proposal
KG Kenny Blumenthal Weather 03-14-25
KG & Scott Veitenheimer CLP D2 incumbent
KG & Roger Peterson_CLP candidate D5_running unopposed
KG&Kenny_big event next wk & summary of NOAA re admin firings thus far
KG with Ava Oswald-Swenson&Aili Gischia_seniors from TH High about band&choir contests
KG & MattJohnson_LC HRA Director_housing overview
25-03-05 Report on CMAP
NSCS phenology 25-03-07, Cadence
MM withMadeline Jarvis & library news
KGwithDave Hendren_local Lake Superior Dipper
Sara Gomez MN Academy of Science
peat road mats
a hoppy ending
fruity med patch
printing with sound
KG & Kenny talk statistically boring winter weather
25-02-28 NSCS Phenology, Estelle
KG and forester Jenna Kaiser talkTwoHarbors trees
KG & Brendan Cole_plant manager at LP talk 40 YR anniv
MM & Tom Koehler discuss the Radio Theater experience
MM & J Timothy Quirk_creator producer _Barnaby Druthers radio theater
MooseJaw to Minot with Mexicans with context, for website
LV Ep43-Coincidence,etc and more HHing
25-02-26_Leo-Brian Vroman- Indivisble-Citizens Petitioning their Congressman
Beat Farm 25-02-21 My Dad's Calling (Trio, Duluth Music Center) WEB 128 MONO
25-02-21 KG Kenny weather MOOSE TWEAK
25-02-20 Lake County Press
MM with Madeline&Library News
MM & Erika Adams about KTWH Barnaby Druthers Radio Theater
KG & Rachel Clark from Finland Home Solutions
KG & Ava Oswalk-Swenson_invite from senior inTHHS Choir
25-02-12_Leo-Michaela_Naturalist- Owls and Baby season, fun events
25-02-05_Leo-Uriah Hefter TH City Councilor
KG Paul VonGoertz 25-02-14
KG Michelle Mc Donald 25-02-14
KG Kenny weather 25-02-14
25-02-13 Lake County Press
Return to Pelican Bay
MM Sara Cuypers Winter Frolic25-02-06
Katya and Kenny, climatologist
Katya and Jim Lind,ornithologist, owl irruption
Katya and Jesse Dewey, Moose Lodge Pres
25-02-05_Leo-Uriah Hefter TH City Councilor
25-02-05_Leo- Jerry and Nicole from the Head Start Program-AEOA
WFrolic25-Polar Plunge
NSCS phenology 25-02-07 Penelope
Gravity Waves
Firefighter Robot
lucy in the sky
Noggin Cam
dying for vegetables
pothole drone
90 seconds Mushrooms
LV ep 41 fire WEBSITE
Katya with Cindy and Lisa, Polar Plunge
katya and erin mecklin, Winter Frolic
NSCS phenology 25-01-31Esther
24-12-18_Leo-Michaela-Shelley Getten_Poetic Landscapes 128K
Katya and PA elem school principal Kelly Mark,walking bus,
25-01-22_Leo- Erin Mecklin-TH Winter Frolic
MM with author A R Stern_new book Scion of the Swan
KG with Becky Meyer_Wolf Ridge Program Director
KG & Kenny_boring winter & hope for Feb snow
Phenology Report 24-01-23
Beat Farm 25-01-17 Song from the North Country preview WEB 128 MONO
KG with Ellen Hufschmidt_co-producer & visionary from prior Living until End of Life Series
KG & Tim Reppe_TH City Rec_free open skate&Adult workout nights
Katya & Kenny_interesting snow-cold temp relationships
25-01-14_SMMix-Leo-Michele Miller_Armory Arts- Music-Big Show
NSCS Phenology 25-01-17 Chance
MM & Madeline with Library News
Return to Pelican Bay
BEAT FARM 25-01-10 Curt 'Fish' Anderson memorial web128
female dummies
tasty food-sparkly brain
scratch and sniff
hot peppers
KG with John Erb_furbearer-wolf research scientist_MN DNR
KG & Kenny Weather_ low snow_maybe Feb
25-01-09 Lake County Press
NSCS Phenology 25-01-10 Merrik
MM-KTWH 2024 review
KG with Natalie Zeleznikar on this legistative session
KG&KennyWeather_slim snow & hope for Feb,25-01-03
KG with Lilly Kline_Hospice Volunteer Coordinator
MMwith Madiline Jarvis &Library News
KGwith Mark Gordon_TH rec trail Alliance President
LV Ep 39 gratitude reciprocity website 128kbs
KG & Megan Brown_leader of youth ski nordic program
KG & Heather Winesett_organizer of Feeding Hearts for the Holidays
KG&Kenny_rain&ice to end 2024
Beat Farm 24-12-20 L&C, Will Durie 128 mono web
KG & Ray Salakka_president of TH senior woodshop
24-12-19 Lake County Press
24-12-18_Leo-Michaela_Naturalist- Rodents of winter
NSCS Phenology 24-12-20 Teddy
MM with Madeline & Library News
KG&Kenny with Weather Tidbits
LV Ep 38 Cars-128kbps
Understanding the issues in the Milepost 7 project
KG&Lisa Luokkala_Director at Superior Hiking Trail
KG & Rosie Cruikshank_student in Florida about hurricanes Helene and Milton
KG & Kenny Weather
Phenology NSCS
Can't Thank You Enough
MM & Madeline with LibraryNews
MM & Madeline with LibraryNews
KG&Becky Meyer_Wolf Ridge programDirector
KG&Barbie Tanaka explore the Torah Club
24-12-04_ SMM version_Leo-Helene Hedlund-Julebyen event_Knife River
CRAIG HILL UMD engineering prof and LLO researcher interview
24-11-27_Leo-Matt Bachman-Inaugural Shorts in Winter Film Fest
24-11-27_Leo-Michaela_Naturalist-Snow business like snow business
Beat Farm 24-11-15 K&C, Jon Edwards WEB 128 MONO
NSCS phenology 24-11-22 Eliot
MM & Madeline with Library News
KG&Michelle Pierson_Exec Director_GiticiGamiTrail Association
KG& Jenna Udenberg with Above&Beyond with U
KG with Kennys weather_cold coming_no big storms forecasted
KG & Mackenzie Foley with Isaiah_community empowering organization
City of New Orleans
KG&Kenny_warm so far yet on schedule for el nina
KG&John Hageman(hag-i-man)from Wolf Tack Energy
Phenology NSCS 24-11-15 Jaylon
MM& Jenna Ray_ExecDirector_Give MN
KG&Mark Laiti(light-EE)_TH gospeljam with 3rd Fri supper
LV Ep 35 Handmade FOR WEBSITE
The Last Voyage of the SS Edmund Fitzgerald
DAHLIN interview, finished,WEBSITE
NSCS phenology 24-11-08 Penelope
KG with Kenny_ wet weather and slow to cool
KG with Anna Henderson_author of Core Samples
White Squall
KG with Carley Challender_volleyball coach discussing Agates season
24-10-30_Leo- Mark Gordon-Area Rec Trail maintenance, Expansion Plans-128K
NSCS Phenology 24-11-01 Samantha
MM with Mark Gross from Write Up the Coast podcast
NSCS Phenology
24-10-24 Lake County Press
24-10-23_Leo-Michaela Rice _October Comings and Departures
24-10-21_Leo-Deirdre S-Two Harbors Area Food Shelf Director-128k
KG with Kenny - precip patterns more active this week
KG with Jamie MacFarland & Matt Bachman_Shorts in Winter Film Festival
KG with Chad Schultz_Interim Electrical Dept Manager for TH
LV-Ep34-wild animals
Beat Farm 24-10-18 L&C, Dominic Acido WEB 128 mono
KG & Jadell Cavallin-master gardener
Katya with Kenny Weather_continued warm and dry
24-10-16_Leo_Todd Burlett- Lake Co DarkSkyExperience
KG with Laura Goutermont_president of TH Curling club
LV-Ep 33 Seasons for website 128
24-10-09_Leo-Michaela_October Arrives
MM talks with Kathleen Cargill about her work with the Daughters of the American Revolution
Katya with Dave & Amy Freeman 24-10-11
11 Oct 2024
24-10-11 Katya and Kenny B
24-10-09_Rich Tru-MN House District 3A-play
24-10-10 TH City Council Candidate Forum
24-10-04 Leo, Kenny weather, warm and dry
24-10-02_Leo-Knife River Community Futures Listening Sessions
NSCS Phenology 24-10-04 Isabelle
Michelle with Madeline and Library News
24-10-02_Leo-Knife River Community Futures Listening Sessions-128k
Teresa Donahue Tech Manager. VanTech
an old fish story
24-09-25_Leo-Michaela Leaves, Movement and Hunger 128kbps
NSCS Phenology 2024-09-27
Beat Farm 24-09-20 L&C, Ashe Berton WEB MONO 128
24-09-25 -Mark Munger-MN House District 3B Candidate_Leo 192 kbps
Katya and Grandma's Marathon Zack Schneider
Automativc Voter Registration review_Leo
NSCS Phenology 24-09-20,annabell
Katya and Kenny
24-09-13 Katya, Kenny weather
24-09-13 Katya, Dr Liz Minor, UMD Chemistry, Microplastics in Lake Superior
24-09-13 Katya, Sharon Searls- Ballet Magnificat
24-09-11_Leo-Michaela Rice-Fall is Coming
24-09-11 -Jen Schulltz-8th Congressional District Candidate_Leo
24-09-05 MM, Madeline Jarvis-TH Library
24-09-04_Leo-Julie Allen- LSA Harvest Fest_30th Annual
24-09-06 Katya, Kenny weather-Fall coming
24-09-06 Katya, Dean Paron-DNR Stream Habitat Supervisor
24-09-06 Katya, Dana Thewis-Community Partners, need volunteer drivers
24-08-30 Leo, Kenny weather
24-08-28_Leo-Michaela Rice-Phenology of Summers End, Fall arrival on the North Shore
Beat Farm 24-08-16 L&C, Kaylee Matuszak WEB 128 MONO
24-08-21_Leo and Pat Berger- Clover Valley Farm Fest 2024
24-08-09 Katya and Kenny weather
24-09-23 Katya, THHS principal Mike Emerson - Phones in school
24-09-23 Katya, farmer Justin Osadjan - Farm Fest
24-08-23 Katya, Interdisciplinary artist Kayla Schiltgen
Katya and Joelle Murray
Katya and Derrick Passe - Agate Bay biochar
MichelleM,MadelineJ-THPL[with Glenn Campbell]
Katya and Lacey Fisher
Katya with Randy Hedin
Katya and Kenny B,
Katya and Danny Ezzo, Solar car trip
Katya about Two Harbors Art Fair, Christine Williams
Katya and Pat Berger Boreal Farm
Katya and Kenny B
24-07-31_Leo- Michaela Rice- Phenology of the Dog Days on the North Shore
MichelleM and Madeline, THPL
Katya and Zack Scheider Grandmas Marathon
Katya and Tim Bott
24-07-24_Leo and Kim- Catch the Wave Concerts 2024
Katya and Kenny
Katya and Justin Osajin, LuckyDogFarm
Katya and Jennifer Francisco, hospice nurse
Beat Farm 24-07-19 L&C, Breanne Marie & family 128 MONO web
24-07-15_Leo-Nelson French-Music in the Park Concerts 2024
TH Pride 2024-20m30s_with intro-outro_ Panel_Jesse Montgomery, Fletcher Kasell mp3
GC 24-7-18 Madaline Jarvis Librarian
24-07-19 KG Matt Unzeitig Theatre
24-07-19 KG Kenny weather
24-07-19 KG danny ezo solar car
24-07-19 KG Corey Goldsworthy Fisheries
Indecent Proposal _ Albright
24-07-10_Leo-Patti Paulson & Nexus Trueself-Two Harbors Pride coming on 7-13-24
24-07-10_Leo- Michaela Rice- Newborn critters and a fun day by a Great Lake
MM with members of band_ Indecent Proposal
24-07-12_Leo-Kenny's Weather-Heritage Days Outlook
24-07-02_Matt Pollmann_Lake Co Emergency Mgr-June Flood Event Overview
KG with MichiganBoys Solar Car cross country trip
KG & Pastor Jim Joseph talk about the series The Chosen that can be viewed & other activities
Katya with Alaina Melander-Silver Bay Salmon Classic
Justin Hoffman Mech Engineer at LP redo.mp3
24-06-28 Skraba-Droba MN3A TWEAKED 128 mono
MM with Mn Mike Chase_ MN music historian
KG with Natalie Jackson and her Natalie Jackson Wellness business
KG & Kenny weather_ wet weather pattern
Katya with Alaina Melander-Silver Bay Salmon Classic
24-06-12_Leo- Eric Otto and Michaela Rice- talking forest health
24-06-14 Katya, School Superintendent Gina Klieve
MM and Madeline Jarvis with Library News
KG with Omar Hakeem, chief architect_designer for CIRD _Citizens Institute for Ural Design
KG with Kenny Weather
KG with Al Ringer_flooding and road closures in Brimson
24-06-14 Katya, School Superintendent Gina Klieve
Candidate Forum 24-06-13 House District 3B mono 128
24-06-12_Leo-Jim Philbin-One Roof Housing
24-06-12_Leo- Michaela Rice- Summer showing everywhere
KG & Tracy Tiboni_Chair of LSSD School Board
KG & Jadell Cavallin_farmer and master gardener
MM with Madeline Jarvis and Library News
KG with Scott Ross_THHS Athletic Director_ reflections on sports and arts
Kenny weather 24-06-07
24-05-29_Leo- Michaela Rice- Memorial Day nature notes
24-05-29_Leo- Kari and Nate-Soil and Water and Forest Health
24-05-31 Leo, Kenny weather
24-05-22_Leo-Jolene Brink-Waterfront Planning Update
Podcast 2 Tac Harbor
24 May 2024
24-05-24 Leo, Kenny weather, been rainy
24-05-22_Leo-Justin Osadjan-Clover Valley FarmTrail 2024
MichelleM and Madeline J THPL
Taconite Harbor
NSCS phenology 24-05-07 Chelsea
Beat Farm 24-05-17 L&C, Dylan Days guests WEB 128 MONO
Beat Farm 24-05-10 Leo, Gene LaFond & Amy Grillo WEB 128 MONO
Suicide Awareness Walk 5-18-24 with Sydney Hicks
MichelleM coffee talkwith Leo
Phenology NSCS-Cora
24-05-01_Leo-Louise A and Renae HB- North Shore Nurses Honor Guard
Community clean up at10am Julie Hukriede and Katya
Beat Farm 24-04-19 L&C, Rafe Carlson MONO 128
KG with Nick Peterson_Fisheries Specialist at MN DNR on trout research in the KNife & Stewart Rivers
KG & NIk Rushi Hassan_UMD prof & leader of the Islamic Center of the Twin Ports
KG & Kenny B _weather tidbits
MM with Shawna Weaver_Program Director at Armory Arts and Music Center
KG & Mike Overend discuss_100 Percent Ewaste bill and what it could mean for Minnesotans
Kenny weather24-3-22-
24-03-20_Leo-Mark Gordon-Music to Feed the Soul
NSCS Phenology 24-03-22 Jon
KG with Cree Bradley discussing her 2500 tree sugar syrup operation
Beat Farm 24-03-15 L&C, Garth Anderson & Friends web mono 128
Phenology NSCS 24-03-15,IrisMae
KG & Kenny B talk dry fire danger and possible big weather change
KG & Jadell Cavallin discuss planting & more in these dry warming years
24-03-13_Leo-Tina Buus-Saint Urhos Parade in Finland MN
24-03-13_Leo Michaela Rice- springing back- reawakenings
KG & Pete Boulay_ climatologist Mn DNR
KG & Michelle McDonald _Director of TH DAC
KG & Lacey Fischer_Pres-Elect _North Shore Rotary Club
Beat Farm 24-02-16 L&C, John Saaristo (aka Yellow Cloud Rising) 128 mono
24-02-14_Leo-Fran Kaliher-Listeners Voices on KTWH
Smoke on the Water
Beat Farm 24-01-19 L&C, Josie Langhorst web 128 mono
KG & Barb Liukkonen- salting _safety for yard and lake
Katya & Jim Lind_local birder_ discuss the areas Christmas bird count
KG & Kenny_above freezing temps & rain for Christmas
23-12-20_Leo- Michaela Rice-Mikayla Killam-Wild Hogs
santa's helper Franta, UPS gig(128kbps)
Phenology NSCS 23-12-22,Atley
Beat Farm 23-12-15 L&C, Leo Sipla FINAL
KG with Kenny Blumenfelds Weather Tidbits
23-12-14 Lake County Press-Tom interviews Kitty
23-12-13_Leo-Mike Overend- clean energy solutions-CARS
Phenology Nscs 2023-12-15-Penny
KG with Uriah Hefter_TH City Councilor
KG with Paul Blackburn_attorney for Bold Alliance_ on co2 pipelines
Phenology NSCS 23-12-08 Iris Mae
MM and Madeline Jarvis - Library News
KG & Scott Ross_THHS Athletic Director_Tom Nelson football coach& phyed teacher_&Will Francine-student on community ed projects
KG & Pete Boulay-Weather Tidbits
KG & Jolene Brink_coordinator for waterfront project
KG & Gail Jarju-Spanish teacher_ discuss world culture day at THHS
23-12-07 Lake County Press
23-11-29_Leo-Michaela Rice-Gooseberry Naturalist-Ice up and Turkeys
23-11-29_Leo-Mark Gordon-Two Harbors Ski & 4 season Trails
Phenology NSCS 2023-12-01 Addie
KG with Matt Huddleston_Lake County Administrator
KG with John Shepard_producer of Sea Change on Lake Superior documentary
The Gales of November, an Oral History
23-11-24 Weather tidbits with Kenny and Leo
Beat Farm 23-11-17 L&C, PB&J web 128 MONO
YRI Community Partners Give MN-Zak
23-11-15_Leo-Jean Sewell-North Shore Horizons Give 2 Max
KG & Pete Boulay_climatologist with MN DNR
23-11-15_Leo & Michaela Rice-Gooseberry Naturalist- A 'Paws' from Winter
Phenology NSCS 23-11-17,Jude
MM with Madeline Jarvis and Library News
KG with Sakib Mahmud _pronounced Maamood_ from UWS Sustainable Business
KG & Tracy Anderson_4-H coordinator in Lake County
KG with Jason DiPiazza_Chief County HIghway Engineer _ Lots on snowplowing info
KG & Susie Rosette discuss Two Harbors new Cardinal Comfort Care Cooperative
23-11-10 KG & Kenny discuss warm moist Nov weather patterns & future warming trends
23-11-09 Lake County Press
23-11-08_Leo-Michelle Miller- Give 2 Max_Armory Arts and Music Ctr
Phenology NSCS 23-11-10,Zander
MM reads NSJ
MM & Jake Blumberg discuss GiveMN and Give to the Max day
The Gales of November, an Oral History
23-10-31_Leo & Michaela Rice-Gooseberry Naturalist-Halloween Animal Scene
MM with Madeline and Library News
KG with Maria Isley From MPR n Duluth
KG with Jason DiPiazza_Cheif County HIghway Engineer _ Lots on snowplowing info
KG with Dean Paron_Two Harborite & recent recipient of International climate adaptation awared for his work with fisheries and streams
MM & musiciansTom Johnson & Jeff Jarvinen _ interview replay_they perform at Country Classic Show_ Nov-West theater
KG with Michele McDonald_ Dicrector of Two Harbors DAC talk about advocacy for work and more for individuals with disabilities.
Beat Farm 23-10-20 L&C, Gene LaFond & Amy Grillo WEB 128 mono
KG & Dana Thewis_Community Partners Volunteer Coordinator
Katya & Kenny plus Fran_weather tidbits
23-10-18_Leo & Michaela Rice-a Gooseberry Naturalist's Fall Update
KG with Greg Ruberg CEO of Lake View Clinic and Hospital who speaks about several Updates
KG & Lacey Squire_Boundary Waters Connect & Whats Up Ely Podcast
KG with Pete Boulay_Two Harbors out of drought_continued drought in greater MN_ El Nino predictions
KG with Jadell Cavallin_putting gardens to rest for winter
KG with Deb Scott _Community Partners_Victory Chorus
KG & Arna Renan discuss Arnas art exhibit in Duluth
23-10-12 Lake County Press-Tom with Kitty
23-10-10_Leo-LaReesa Sandretsky- insight on the Disaster Preparedness Class
NSCS Phenology Rejport
MM with Jane Christison discussing World Accordion Museum concert
MM & Madeline Jarvis talk Library News
Phenology NSCS 23-10-06,Adella
23-10-23-Part 2_Leo & Michaela- Postscript-Talking Bird Migrations
23-10-23-Part 1_Leo & Michaela & Margie Menzies from Hawk Ridge_Talking Bird Migrations
23-10-06 Leo, Kenny weather - Hot to cold transition
23-10-05 Lake County Press
Lacey on Ecological Economics and Degrowth
JudySausen-housing market and subsidized housing
PaulIversen-paying for housing
Mike,Lucy on energy efficient design
Mike on The Wizard and the Prophet book
Leo and Kenny with Weather Tidbits
23-09-27_Leo-KTWH Staffer Mychele Anderson-all things KTWH
Phenology NSCS 23-09-30,Penelope
Michelle and Leo talk all things community radio
23-09-20_Leo-Michaela Rice Naturalist- Fall Phenology
23-09-19 Paul Douglas interview-Northland Climate Change
MM with Madeline Jarvis & Library News
KG with Paul Douglas _meteoroligist & author _discuss climate in the northland
Cora 23-09-23
23-09-21 Lake County Press Tom with Kitty
Rural Voice Forum on Affordable Housing 09-19-23 Leo's Archived Edit
23-09-13_Leo-Paul Z and Michael K_the 20-20 Art Tour
Katya and Kenny, weather tidbits
23-09-07 Lake County Press
23-09-05_Leo-Kerri Miller-Affordabe Housing Forum Sept 19th
Katya, Dan and Kaylee Cahill-Matthews, BaptismRiverBarbecue
23-08-30_Leo-Nelson French-Silver Bay Concerts and City Visioning
23-09-01 Katya, Mike Miller, Lake Superior swimmer
23-09-01 Katya, Justin Osadjon- Farm Fest
KG and Pat Berger local farmer discuss summer crops the farmers market and Sundays farm fest
23-08-24 Lake County Press
23-08-23_Leo-Michaela Rice Naturalist notes on Common Loon Calls
MM and Jill Beim_friends of Tettegouche discuss the new kids nature area
KG with Kenny discuss heat dome_L Superior temps & conditions_ upcoming weather patterns
KG with Karen Zemlin _swimmer_ and John Shephard _Hamlin University_ discuss relay from Split Rock to Duluth
Beat Farm 23-08-18 L&C, Nate Weiler WEB 128 mono
KG with Pete Boulay and Weather Tidbits
KG & Christine McCarthy discuss short term rental policies and the regional waste plan
SAVE TILL SAT. 8-26_ KG & Justin Osadjan discuss Clover Valley Farm trail and Farm Fest
MM with Madeline Jarvis & Library News
MM reading NSJ Headlines
Lake County Press Kitty and Mychele
23-08-16_Leo- Dale Moe-2023 Silver Creek Uke Carnival Aug17-20
23-08-16_Leo- Patti Paulson-ArtCar Beach Bash-Aug17-20
23-08-11 Leo, Kenny, Getting some rain
23-08-09_Leo-Naturalist Michaela- Observing a dry world
KMUD interviews Hawaiin community radio KMNO re fire
Four Strings, Three Chords and Two Harbors
MM and Madeline Jarvis with Library news
KG with Julie Luchsinger_organizer for Tori Finland Fest on Aug 12
23-08-03 Lake County Press
23-08-02 City Minutes TWEAKED & TIGHTENED
two beatfarm finns
MM and Rick Hogenson_TH chief of police discuss safety during Thomas the Train Days and more
MM and PaulWebster talk Blacksmithing fundraising event for Duluth Forging Community
MM with Grayson Masefield from New Zealand_ performing at 2 this Sunday at the World Accordian Museum and Jane Christison from the museum
KG with Meg Neilsen discussing Climate Land Leaders and changes on their family owned farm land
KG with Julie Luchsinger_organizer for Tori Finland Fest on Aug 12
KG and Kenny discuss Thursday storms & Julys planet wide heat record
23-07-28 Lake County Press Katya
23-07-26-PART 2_Humans and Wildlife Issues-- w-Michaela and Zach from Gooseberry
23-07-26-PART 1_Humans and Wildl fe Issues- w-Michaela and Zach from Gooseberry
Candidate Debate, County Commisioner Dist 1 23-07-25
Beat Farm 23-07-21 L&C, Severio Mancieri WEB 128 mono
Katya and Jenna Udenberg_new author_Within_my_Spokes_ & advocacy for disability accessibility
Katya & Kenny_ perspectives on upcoming heat & drought
23-07-19_Leo-Nelson French -Rocky Wall Concerts 2023
Katya with Sheila Wilcox_organizer of old time fiddling Championship in Mount Iron _Sat 22_1-3
KG & Kenny talk MN 4 weather extremes in the last century
23-07-12_Leo-Kim Leon-July 15th- Catch the Wave concert
23-07-12 City Minutes
23-06-21_Leo-The Loon Special- w-Michaela and Zach from Gooseberry Falls SP
MM with two local musicians_ Jeff Jarkenin and Tom Johnson _talking about the northshore music scene
Lake County Press-Tom with Kitty (Mychelle for Tom)
KG withMayor Lew Conner_his first months in office
KG & Natalie Zelenznikar talk money management_ focus on moving from seniors to kids_ & education
Lutefisk lament,Boone-Erickson
Kenny 07-05-23-shorter
23-07-05_Leo-Linda Shuler- lutefiskToss -Fun FAQs
23-06-21_Leo-Naturalist Michaela Rice-July turns from dry to wet
MM with Madeline Jarvis and Library News
23-06-27_Leo- Cheryl Sundstrom-Heritage Days- ITS BACK
23-06-30 Leo, Kenny - Rainfall, drought, El Nino
23-06-27_Leo- Keeley Kemp-we eye up a TV Movie made in Two Harbors
23-06-22 Lake County Press
23-06-21_Leo-Naturalist Michaela Rice-moisture adversity
MM and Bradley from CHUM talk about todays 18th Annual Rhubarb Fest
Leo and Kenny with Weather Tidbits discuss a potential for drought relief from the weekend rain
Beat Farm 23-06-16 L&C, Inga Entheos (Richard & Inga Weiss) WEB 128 mono
23-06-14_Leo-Bonnie Hundreiser- Lake Co Hazard Mitigation Planning
23-06-14 City Minutes
MM with Madeline Jarvis and Library News
KG with Theresa Hershey discussing the school of Yoga and Nature Arts
KG with Pat Berger_ area farmer_ discussing dryness and Clover Valley trail
23-06-14_Leo-Jay-dell Cavallin-Local Farm news- Pollinator Party
KG with Coach Ryan McIntyre & Senior Ian Thorpe from state track meet.
23-06-08 Lake County Press
23-06-07_Leo-Naturalist Michaela Rice-dry times and critter talk
KG with Trisha Scamehorn from North Shore Collaborative on LOTS _ childrens reading and give away book program
KG with Kenny B weather tidbits talking drought here and in Canada
KG with Julie Allen_ local farmer_ talking about hazelnut oil-hoe to store squash yr round and more
23-06-02 Katya and Jay Belcastro,Sup-LkSupSchDist-year end news
23-05-31_Leo-Tom Furman -Senior Housing Update
Phenology NSCS 23-06-02-Laura
23-06-02 Katya and Kenny weather tidbits - another drought era
23-05-23_Leo-Naturalist Michaela Rice-nature pre-summer
23-05-17_Leo- THHS Kenz award-Lorrie Janatopoulos-
NSCS Phenology 2023
23-05-25 MM, Mary Klaueson & Mark Kreutter, river monitoring
Harlan and Pat OLson - Part 1 ( for Fran)
Harlan and Pat Olson - Part 2 for Fran ( Harlan gives ID at end)
Beat Farm 23-05-19 L&C, Misisipi Mike Wolf & Eldri Snow WEB 128 mono
MM _Library News with Madeline Jarvis and Jan O'Donnell
KG withDr Sakib Muhmad on his Islamic faith and events in Twin Ports
KG & Kenny weather_haze wind fires and a website
KG & Anna Stockstad_extension forester at UMD extension_ discuss master woodland steward class
Phenology NSCS 23-05-19,Dominik-Lila
KG with Gail Harju and Akaya Anzik on the Costa Rican funraiser
23-05-11 Lake County Press
23-05-10_Leo-Kelly Amoth- Get the Lead Out MPCA program
NSCS Phenology Reposts
MM with guest author Brian Freeman
KG with Theresa Heaveny discussing Climate Land Leaders
KG & Justin Osajaan_local farmer_ discuss berry expansion and farm trail info
23-05-03_Leo-Matthew Brown-WTIP-FM 25th anniversary
23-05-03_Leo-Grant Hauschild- MN Legislative session update
Phenology NSCS 23-05-05, Lindsay
MM with Madeline Jarvis and Library News
MM with Jane Christiansen from the World Accordian Museum about this weekends festival
KG and Cory Goldsworthy_ Lake Superior Fisheries Supervisor with MN DNR discuss herring_coaster brook trout_& more
Katya with Lew Conner_new THarbors Mayor_his priorities & perspectives
Katya & Paul Deaner_Director of LS Community Theater_ discuss theater & practical realities
23-04-25_Leo-Naturalist Michaela Rice-spring n things
Phenology NSCS 23-04-28,Addison,
Beat Farm 23-04-21 Leslie Black, flute & Robi Myerson, guitar, voice WEB 128 mono
Katya & Kenny_ record breaking snow_wind_waves_and more
Boxcar_ performed & written by Laurie BoeDee_CFReliever musician
23-04-20 Lake County Press
23-04-18_Leo-Edward Ojard-Pianist-Cabin Fever
23-04-17_Leo-Michael Anderson-Cabin Fever Performer
Phenology NSCS 23-04-22,Lila,Dominik,
MM with Madeline and Library News
MM with Laurie BoeDee_Cabin Fever Reliever performer
MM reads NSJournal Headlines
KG with Brooke Coyle from Castle Danger talking about Saturdays Earth Day Cleanup
23-04-18_Leo-Edward Ojard-Pianist-Cabin Fever
23-04-17_Leo-Michael Anderson-Cabin Fever Performer
NS Dog 3 - CFR talk wrap up and song _Holes
NS Dog 2 - chat and song _Yee Haw
KG with parentTara Solem & Partners in Policy making representative_Sherie Wallace discuss organizing for & with people with disabilities
KG and Kenny B talk about our spring weather transition
23-04-11_Leo-Naturalist Michaela Rice- animals waking--trees--ice out
Phenology NSCS 23-04-14,Silvi
MM & musician Tom Wotruva discuss the fundraiser for the MN Ballet Studio 4 space_includes live performance
KG with State Representative Natalie Zeleznikar discussing nursing home crisis and more
Mayoral Forum 23-03-06-REPLAY version
Good Friday with Dad (Dan Goodenough)
23-04-06 Lake County Press
MM with Madeline and Library News
MM reads Lake County Press Headlines
MM and Janelle Jones with the Lake Co Chamber of Commerce
KG and Kenny Weather compare our wind storm and hurricanes
23-03-31 Katya, Justin Ostea, TH City Planner, Lighthouse Point
23-03-29_Leo-Naturalist Michaela Rice- deer reproduction_firsts
23-03-29_Leo-Mark Gordon-Benefit_Music to Feed the Soul
Phenology NSCS 23-04-01,Elliot
23-03-31 Katya, Tom K, Edna G RAW
23-03-31 Katya, Tom K, Edna G RAW (shorter version)
23-03-22_Leo-Paul Deaner- Theater--Diary of Anne Frank
MM with Janelle from Chamber of Commerce talk about the Career Expo
KG with Rachel Gischia _-Gisha_- Community Outreach Manager for Lakeview Clinic
KG with Ellen Lynch_ Lake County Historical Society_discuss History in a pint and the History Festival
KG and Jay Belcastro discuss procedures following Thursdays scare at performance of Anne Frank
23-03-23 Lake County Press
Beat Farm 23-03-17 L&C, Patrick Eliason WEB 128 MONO
23-03-15_Leo-Tina Buus-St Urhos Day Festivities
23-03-15_Leo-Naturalist Michaela Rice- reproductive strategy, daylight saviings
Phenology NSCS 23-03-17,Mason
MM with Madeline Jarvis and Library News
KG with Jay Belcastro_ Lake Superior School District Superintendent_ lobbying for state funds_budget cuts_new podcast
Katya and Pete Boulay - weather tidbits
KG and Kenny B discuss upcoming storm and thoughts on one more
KG & Jonathan Osthus_tech Assistance Coordinator for Emerald Ash Borer discuss issues and upcoming class
23-03-09 Lake County Press
MM with Jeremy Lepak_ventriloquist_comic performer at Sundays Cabin Fever Reliever
KG speaks with Zach Cabello_KTWH youth radio participant
23-03-08_Erin Aldridge-Cabin Fever
23-03-08_ Steve Solkela-Cabin Fever-Final
23-03-8_Leo-John Agacki-Cabin Fever
23-03-03 Katya, Kenny weather, drought mitigation, next weeks precipitation
23-03-02 MM Library segment FINAL - Adobe enhanced version
23-03-01_Leo-Naturalist Michaela Rice- notes on late winter breeding activities
rock solid robotics
Phenology NSCS 23-03-03,Niko
23-03-03 Katya, Barbara Budd, Superior Hiking Trail
KG with RoboDweebs_Jenna Udenberg_Erik Gischia_Landon Latvak_& Eli Thewis about their experience winning 2nd at state
KG with Kenny Weather - weather weirdness _ starting explanations
KG with Christy Rounds_TH resident and author of Escape Bound_a personal memoir
23-02-23 Lake County Press
Beat Farm 23-02-17 WEB 128 MONO
KG with Tom Furhman_FRA director for Two Harbors
KG & Kenny B with Weather Tidbits
KG & Katie Robinson talk about today's Polar Plunge for Special Olympics
23-02-15_Leo-Naturalist Michaela Rice- of Wolves and Coyotes and cold rain
WFrolic-smoosh intro, play by play -Judy,Becky
Phenology NSCS 23-02-18 Evan
MM with Madeline Jarvis and Library Talk
Phenology Report NSCS
23-02-09 Lake County Press
23-02-07_Leo-Carla Manning_ Fiddle Slo Jam
23-02-07_Leo- Erin Mecklin-Winter Frolic
KG & Justen Osadjan discuss the new Clover Valley Farm tour vision
23--02-01_Leo-Naturalist Michaela Rice_ feeding wildlife-concerns
Phenology NSCS 23-02-04 Daxton
MM with Madeline Jarvis and Library News
KG talks about the RoboDweebs_TH robotics team_ with Lilly Johanson_her father_and Jenna Udenburg
Mayor Candidate Forum 23-01-31_For archive and replay
MM with Katie Bromme_ water color artist from TH area
KG with Patrick Krekelberg _ entrepreneur_inventor_homeschool family_and a clip from their family holiday podcast
KG & Mark Dahlen with Big Lake Micro's_ all about microgreens
cub run FINAL 2
23-01-17_Leo-Tom Furman on housing -Two Harbors HRA
Beat Farms 23-01-20 L&C, Hannah Rey WEB 128 MONO
MM with Madeline and Library News
KG with Kenny B. and his weather tidbits
KG with Erin Mecklin_Chair of Winter Frolic
KG with Ellen Lynch_Director of Lake County Historical Society
23--01-17_Leo-Naturalist Michaela Rice_ ice fun and feeder fever.
Phenology NSCS 23-01-20 Dominik
23-01-17_Leo-Justin Otsea- Review of Lighthouse Point PUD
23-01-12 Lake County Press
2023 Candlelight Vigil for VOH
MM with Rudy's Reflections-memories of growing up on a north shore farm in the 30's
MM with Marty Anderson, local musician.
Leo and Pete Boulay talk weather and this warm Jan
KG with Jay Belcastro_LSSD Superintendent
23--01-04_Leo-Naturalist Michaela Rice_ new year-wild cats.
MM with Madeline Jarvis _ Library News
KG with Laura Goutermont on Two Harbors Curling Club activities
MM with a tribute to smash hits from archives of Duluth area musicians
KG with Kenny Weather
KG with John Barstow( owner)& Katie Robinson(marketer) for Tracks and Racks Bar and Brill and Timber Ghost Tours
22-12-22 Lake County Press
22--12-21_Leo-Naturalist Michaela Rice_ life in frozen times.
20-12-22-Leo tracks Down Mrs. Claus
KG with Tara Solem_ mother of a daughter with Down Syndrome and participant in Partners in Policy Making
KG with Kathy Ruberg_owner of new quilting shop in Two Harbors
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (with Michelle Miller intro)
22-11-24 Lake County Press
KG and Kenny Weather Tidbits
KG & Barb Liukkonen_retired scientist and teacher_ discuss complexities of erosion_sand vs salt_ and more
MM & author Brian Freedman discuss his book The Zero Night
KG with Tara Solem District Manager for the Lake County Sil and Water Conservation District
KG & Kenny discuss next weeks projected storm and more
KG & Eric Fransen with Klik Marketing_local member of the chamber_ discuss his services with large and small businesses in the area
22-12-08 Lake County Press
22--11-06_Leo-Naturalist Michaela Rice_ Feeder Critters.
KG and Kenny weather tidbits _ temp drops_low to no precip
Phenology NSCS 22-12-02 Laila
MM with Madeline Jarvis and Library News
KG with Megan Huseth_Care Navigator and Care Giver Consultant for Community Partners
22-08-22 Lamar and Becky Travels FINAL edit
KG with Lily Kline_ Volunteer Coordinator for St. Luke's Hospice
KG with Kaatjie ( Ka-gee) Gomez_owner of Repeat Boutique_a new lightly used clothing store in Two Harbors
Katya & Kenny ponder the question snow and cold and no snow and mild
22-11-24 Lake County Press
Beat Farm 22-11-18 L&C, Jim Hall & Lee Martin WEB 128 MONO
KG with Lily Kline_ Volunteer Coordinator for St. Luke's Hospice
KG with Kenny Weather_ Lake enhanced vs Lake Effect snow and this weeks snow amounts
22--11-16_Leo-Naturalist Michaela Rice.
22-11-16_Leo_TH Area Fund LCSTTF-Marlys-Give 2 the Max
22-11-16_Leo_TH Area Food Shelf-Kelsey-Give 2 the Max
Phenology NSCS 22-11-18,Tiffany
MM with Madeline and Library News
KG with Luke Heikkala (Hay-cola) Superintendent of Water and Waste Water TX for Two Harbors
KG & Jadell Cavalin discuss mulching and more
22-11-10 Lake County Press
22-11-09_Leo_Mark Gordon-Ski and SnowshoeTrail Day
KG with Tracy Fredin & John Shephard from the Center for Global Climate Environmental Education
KG with Karen Hermanson on the 3rd Friday Community Supper_ All ARe WELCOME
KG reads weather report from Kenny Bloomenfeld
KG with Tracy Fredin & John Shephard from the Center for Global Climate Environmental Education
KG with Darren Schmidt_Programs Directior for the Western Lake Superior Habitat for Humanity
MM & Madeline with Library News
22--11-02_Leo-Tara Solem-Lake County SWCD.
22--11-02_Leo-Naturalist Michaela Rice.
22-10-31_Leo- Jen Schultz- 8th Dist Congressional Candidate
Phenology NSCS 22-11-05 Donnie
22-10-28_Katya-Shawn Amundson-Superior Citrus CSA
22-10-28_Katya-Pete Boulay-Weather Tidbits
22-10-28_Katya-MN Rural Urban Xchange_Dan T and Anna C
22-10-27_ M Miller-Karin Kraemer-Dululth Pottery_Coffee Talk
NSCS Phenology 22-10-28
City Council Candidate Forum 22-10-18 Radio Replay edit
Beat Farm 22-10-21 L&C, Fishheads WEB 128 MONO
22--10-18_Leo-Michaela- Naturalist- Ahah moments
MM & Miley Cyrus lead in to Library News with Madeline
MM & a Library sale insider update with Becky Norlien
Leo with Kenny Blumenfeld & weather tidbits
22-10-20 Lake County Press
KG reading_ Expedition That Changed the World or How Frank and I Went Around the Block When 6
KG reading Mark Seely's weather blog from last week
KG & Kenny Weather Tidbits 22-10-14
2022-10-14 NSCS Phenology - Kaden
22-10-07-NSCS Phenology_Zane
KG& local farmer Al Ringer on Wild Ricing
Beat Farm 22-10-06 Skarlett Woods WEB 128 MONO
Royal Miller interview, Jane's_ FINAL & NORMALIZED
22-10-07_ Leo--Kenny Weather Tidbits
22-10-07 Lake County Press_Leo
22--10-04_Leo-Michaela- Naturalist-leaf color change
Royal Miller interview, Jane's_ FINAL & NORMALIZED
Katya with Brandon Johnson_Boys Soccer Coach
Deb Scott and MA.Community partners
22-09-28_Leo-LaReesa Sandretsky-Age Friendly Lake County
22-09-14_Leo-Johnny Macks Show at theTwo Harbors Bandshell_ Final
KG with Dan Johnson_Curriculum director for Lake Superior School District
KG & Dan Mathews_Finland Food Chain & Harvest Booja Festival
22-09-23 Leo--Kenny Weather Tidbits
22-09-19_Leo-Michaela Rice- Gooseberry Falls SPNaturalist-migration
22-09-19_Leo- SMM mix-Paul and Gail Lake Superior 20-20 Art Tour Info
Phenology NSCS 22-09-17 Kira
KG with Lisa Knight- co-owner of KnightVision Development-travel van products
KG with Christine Williams, Director&Organizer of TH Fall Art Fair
Beat Farm 22-09-16 LC Born Too Late web 128 mono
Katya-Kenny Weather Tidbits 22-09-16 F
22-09-15 Lake County Press
22-09-14_Leo-Sean MacManus_Stone carving-2020 Art Tour
MM with musician Tommy Wotruba (Wa-truba)
MM & Madeline Jarvis with Library News
KG with Tom Nelson - THHS head football coach
KG with Louise Hanson_ co-owner of Madeira Restaurant
22-09-07_Leo-Michaela Rice-Gooseberry Falls Naturalist
22-09-07_Leo-Julie Allen- LSA Harvest Fest 2022
Weather Tidbits-Pete Boulay -Katya
Katya and Daniel Wanschura-Points North Podcast
Katya and Barbara Budd-Superior Hiking Trail Vol Coordinator
KG with Chief of Police Rick HOgenson on Festival-of-Sail
MM_Library News with Madeline Jarvis & author Maren (Mar-in) Cooper
KG with Pat Berger from Boreal Bounty Farms
KG with MM discussing MN Luthern Social Services volunteer programs
KG with Kenny weather-summer to fall transition
SMM Mix-Fest of Sail Soundscape- Sailors, Wooden Ships, and Superior Waves_Leo
KG's reading of Cree Bradley's CSA farm newsletter
Beat Farm 22-08-19 L&C, Brian Dack web 128 mono
22-08-17_Leo_Part 2_Dale Moe-Silver Creek Uke Carnival
22-08-17_Leo_Part 1_Dale Moe-Silver Creek Uke Carnival
22-08-17_Leo_Nelson French- Silver Bay Next Concerts-
MM with Madeline at TH Public Library
KG with Sarah Mayer-Farm Mngr-WolfRidge & David Legvold-farmer southern MN
KG & Cindy Hale_importance of local farming
Fest of Sail Soundscape- Sailors, Wooden Ships, and Superior Waves_Leo
22-08-010_Leo-Randall Walz-Tori Market
MM & Sarah Kuypers covering Lake County Fair
KG & Valerie Eliasen with Lovin' Lake County
KG & Meredith St Pierre_Development Director at Wolf Ridge
KG & Justin Osajaan-a good farmer morning
Fest of Sail Soundscape- Sailors, Wooden Ships, and Superior Waves_Leo
Beat Farm 22-08-05 L&C, Skarlett Woods WEB 128 MONO
Caitlin at Fest of Sail interviewing Tom Schaeppi-Lost Woods Distillery
KG& Julie Allen_local farmer_member of Lake Superior Sustainable Farming Association
KG & Tom Kastle_musician & captain
KG with Kenny Weather Tidbits
KG with Frank Weber_forensic psychologist & author at FOS
22-08-03_Leo-Angel Rosa-Tall Ship Nao Trinidad
22-08-03_Leo_ Ellen Lynch-Historical Society-FOS
22-07-22_Leo_ Fred Sitkins-Inland Seas schooner at Fest of Sail
[BeatFarm,July29,2022]Harvest Moon Live Music 21-10-23 Leo, Gina Lee FINAL
KG with Captain Jan (Yon) Miles_Pride of Baltimore
KG and Kenny talk weather forecast for FOS
22-07-27_SMM Version-Leo_Craig Samborski-Fest of Sail
22-07-22_Leo_ Fred Sitkins-Inland Seas schooner at Fest of Sail
KG with Emily Richie from Agate Acre Farm
Beat Farm 22-07-15(2) L&C, Will Durie WEB 128 MONO
Katya & Kenny discuss gorgeous weather to come
Canned Heat - Lets Work Together
22-07-22 Lake County Press_Leo
KG interviews Skip Taylor_manager of Canned Heat which is coming to the Bayfront Blues Fest
KG & police chief Rick Hogenson discuss security during tall ships
KG & Jadell Cavallin discuss native plants vs nativars vs cultivars & the difference it makes
City Council Candidate Forum-Final
Beat Farm 22-07-15(1) L&C, Aurora Baer 128 MONO for web
KG & Luke Heikkila_Updates water and waste water project inTH
KG & Liz Stromayer_new area farmer_Natural land practices
KG & Kenny talk next weeks heat away from shore & a bit cooler near shore
KG & Greg Ruberg talk proactive healthcare prep prior to Festival of Sails
22-07-15 Lake County Press_Leo
22-07-13_Leo_Nelson French- Concerts by Rocky Wall Productions
KG & Linda Schuler_ Organizer for Lutefisk Toss
22-07-06_Leo-Part 2-Cheryl Sundstrom-Heritage Days
22-07-06_Leo-Part 1-Cheryl Sundstrom-Heritage Days
MM & Madeline Jarvis talk LibraryNews
KG & Marissa Schuh _ Integrated Pest Managment Educator
22-06-30 Lake County Press
22-06-29_Leo-Randall Walz-Silver Bay Veterans Home
Katya, Steve Naeve - U of MN soybean agronomist
Katya, Kenny weather - Cool and warm air fronts etc
Katya, Elizabeth Storm - Sisu Community Cafe (new rest.)
Katya, Craig Sambourski - Festival of Sails
KG & Ronelle Radle_Chief Debuty Auditor_ Treasurer for Lk County talks voting procedures
Washington Post March
MM tribute to Marvel Comics_Black Chasm
KG with John Mason from Northwoods Pottery
22-06-22_Leo_ Jean Sewell-North Shore Horizons_Complete
22-05-15_Leo_Roger Fransene- woodworker at Pioneer Gallery Craft Coop
22-05-15_Leo_Barb Hollinday- 50th year of NW Pioneer Gallery Craft Coop
MM & Madeline with Library News
Beat Farm 22-06-10 L&C, Sleepy Bones Allison 128 MONO for web
KG & Kenny Blumenfeld talk June weather
MM with Paul Hanson _KTWH Highway CleanUp
MM with artist Bailey Aaland ( ahh- land) talk about her Tettegouche Exhibit
KG with Janelle Jones_Lake Co Chamber of Commerce
KG with Al Ringer from Pine Creek Farm
KG & Kenny Blumenfeld with weather tidbits
KG & Jadell Cavallin from Little Waldo Farm
22-05-31_ Leo_Barbara Budd-Volunteers for Hiking Trail
MM &Madeline Jarvis with TH Public Library news
KG with Lonnie Dupree, local polar & Greenland explorer
MM and Sandi Pillsbury discuss Voyaguer Artists and local exhibits
22-05-27_leo_Kenny weather-Holiday Weather Guesses-Final_
22-05-25_Leo_Nate Eide-Public Land Management
22-05-25_Leo_Justin O-TH Farmers Market and North Shore Growing
New Recording 10
May 24 Podcast sea lamprey song
Sea Change 2022 -03 Isle Royale
Phenology NSCS 22-05-27 Zinnia
Beat Farm 22-05-20 Anthony & Angie Livingston (father & daughter) 128 MONO for web
22-05-18_Leo_Ross Barnes-YMCA Camp Miller
Phenology NSCS 22-05-20 Maddie
Phenology NSCS 22-05-13-Autumn
22-05-11_Leo-Cynthia Kosiak_ 2nd Recall Petition
Sea Change 2022 -02 Houghton
Phenology Report May 6, 2022
MM talks with Tushya Mehta (T Meh ta) From Michigan State U about the Creativity during Covid project
22-05-04_Leo-Derrick Passe _Emerald Ash Borer
Sea Change 2022 _North Shore students Autumn and Zinnia AIS report!
1. Sea Change 2022
MM with Madeline Jarvis talking Library News
Beat Farm 22-04-22 L&C, Lioness 128 MONO for web
22-04-29 KG, Kenny weather - The sun is taking over
22-04-29 KG, David Abazs - Agrophenology
22-04-28 MM - Coffee Talk - Michelle McDonald - Lake Co DAC
Phenology NSCS 22-04-29-Jane
22-04-29 KG, Kirsten Cruikshank & Tim Anderson - CERDAR
22-04-20_Leo-Jose and Kim-Cabin Fever Show
Liv 2022-04-23
MM & Madeline Jarvis talk Library News
KG&Kenny B talk more wet cool weather
KG & Russ Mattson_engineer talking energy storage
dubious Judgment with JZ
MM with Katie Brommen area artist
KG with Todd Redman DFL Chair
KG with Kenny Blumenfeld talking last weeks storms
22-04-13_Leo-Arna- Heart2Heart-Concert for Ukraine
22-04-07 Knife River News
KG & Cree Bradley discuss sugar syruping with 2500 trees
An essay from Patrick Eller's audio of his book Questions That are Answered by Lightening
MM with Madeline Jarvis and Library News
KG with Kenny Blumenfeld_warm sunny weekend & another mid week storm
KG with Cathy Belfield our new KTWH memorials reader
KG & Jadell Cavalin_bees_keep leafy brush etc
KG & Chris Dunham Resilience Forestry Manager with The Nature Conservancy
KG with TwoH city councilor Derrick Passe
KG with Kenny Blumenfeld talking weather
22-03-30_Leo-Music to Feed the Soul_Mark Gordon
Phenology NSCS 22-04-01,Kaiya
Todd Ronning-Resign or Recall Committee
Phenology NSCS 22-03-04-Shyann
Katya with Greg Ruberg_CEO of Lakeview Clinic
Phenology NSCS 22-02-18 Quinn
22-02-09 COVID REPORT-Update
Phenology Report Feb. 11
22-02-02 COVID REPORT-Update
MM reads NSJournal Headlines
Phenology NSCS 22-01-28 Peyton
22-01-26 COVID REPORT-Update
Phenology NSCS 22-01-21 Dria
KG & Greg Ruberg_covid at Lakeview_natural immunity_and more
22-01-19_PART 1_Leo-Lisa Hanson--Public Health-omicron
22-01-19_PART 2_Leo-Lisa Hanson-Public Health-omicron
Phenology Report NSCS
21-12-15_Leo-Tracy Gilsvik_Part 2- Public Health -COVID Update
21-12-15_Leo-Tracy Gilsvik_ Part1- Public Health -COVID update
Sage 17 Dec 21
KTWH bob
end of Le Grand K
the mole
measurement scales
Moles of Atoms to moles of molecules
units of measurement
Unit Conversions
oops, my bad
PRESS RELEASE DEC 10,2021-record cases
Phenology NSCS 21-12-10-Ameretta,
5 Dec 2021
21-11-18 North Shore Journal
21-11-11 Greg R_Leo_Noise redux_Normalized
21-11-03_KR News
Phenology NSCS 21-11-12,Rose
NSCS Phenology Report 21-10-30
Phenology NSCS 21-10-29,Raphael
21-10-29 KG and Greg Ruberg_Lakeview Hospital COVID update
Whist Sou ep-11
Whist Sou ep-10
Whist Sou ep-09
Whist Sou ep-08
Whist Sou ep-07
Whist Sou ep-06
Whist Sou ep-05
Whist Sou ep-04
Whist Sou ep-03
Whist Sou ep-02
Whist Sou ep-01
Whist Sou ep-14
Whist Sou ep-13
Whist Sou ep-12
KG with Greg Ruberg- COVID and variant update
Kitty Mayo NS Journal Review 9-30-21
What's Happenin' 21-08-06
What's Happenin' 21-08-20 Greg Ruberg, Kenny weather
What's Happenin' 21-08-27 Jay Belcastro & Kenny weather
What's Happenin' 21-07-30 All Kenny weather FINAL
What's Happenin' 21-07-23 Dan Walker, Kenny weather
21-09-17 KG with Greg Ruberg _workforce fatigue_critical bed shortages in MN_local situation
FINAL2 Final Episode 3 and DONATION insert_Keith P Hospice_Ellen death doulas_Kathy Mcquinn-stories and hospice
What's Happenin' 21-09-03 Ruberg, Kenny weather FINAL (1)
KG with Greg Ruberg_vaccine clinics and new workforce mandate
Prelude 4, Faure
Prelude 8
Nocturn 11, Prelude 1
Preludes 5 & 7
Homage - Ravel
Prelude 13
Honegger 1-6 Short pieces
21-06-11_Leo_Greg Ruberg-COVID in Summer 2021
21-08-12 KR News TWEAKED
21-08-04_Leo-Lisa Hanson-COVID Challenges
Homage To Ravel
Eps, 17
Eps, 16
21-7-16 Kalina Counseling Services - Madison Witschen
June 2021 - Human Development Center
21-5-14 May 2021 Amy Suomi ARPN, CNP Lake View Clinic
21-4-14 LTMH - Accend Services
What's Happenin' 21-06-18 Janelle Jones, Bit of Science
What's Happenin' 21-06-05 Derrick Passe and pollinator projects, city business, Kenny Weather
What's Happenin - Dan Walker, city infractructure & Kenny weather FINAL
Knife River News 21-07-09 TWEAKED
Lutefisk song
Lutefisk toss highlight,interview Ryland Anderson
Eps, 2
Prelude 8
Eps, 2
Eps, 9
Eps, 8
Eps, 7
Eps, 2
Eps, 2
Eps, 2
Eps, 2
Eps, 2
Prelude 13
21-06-03-NSCS-Phenology Adeline
21-06-07_Leo_Tracy Gilsvik-Mobile Vaccine Bus
Bowser Chronicles episode 05
Bowser Chronicles episode 04
Bowser Chronicles episode 03
Bowser Chronicles episode 02
Bowser Chronicles episode 01
Episode 23
Episode 22
Episode 21
Episode 20
Episode 19
21-06-11_Leo_Greg Ruberg-COVID in Summer 2021
21-06-11_Leo_Greg Ruberg-COVID in Summer 2021
Episode 18
Episode 17
Episode 16
Episode 15
2021-05-14-NSCS Phenology Lena 13
Episode 14
Episode 13
Episode 12
Episode 11
Episode 10
Episode 9
2021-05-14-NSCS Phenology Lena
Episode 8
Episode 7
Episode 6
Episode 2
Episode 5
Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1
21-05-14_Leo-Greg Ruberg_Hospital Checkin-MASKS 2
21-05-14_Leo-Greg Ruberg_Hospital Checkin-MASKS 2
The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald
LNS-River through two Harbors - day 19
LNS-River through two Harbors - day 18
LNS-River through two Harbors - day 17
LNS-River through two Harbors - day 16
North Shore Community School Plastics Recording 2
North Shore Community School Plastics Recording
NSCS Invasive Species (Isa)
NSCS Plastics (Isa)
North Shore Community School Invasive Species Recording
New Recording 8
New Recording 8
NSCS 2A_Adeline-Clean and Clear_Plastics Info
LNS-River through two Harbors - day 15
LNS-River through two Harbors - day 14
LNS-River through two Harbors - day 13
LNS-River through two Harbors - day 12
LNS-River through two Harbors - day 11
Katya w Police Chief Rick Hogenson
21-04-30 NSCS Phenology-Nora 2
21-04-30 NSCS Phenology-Nora
21-04-30 Greg Ruberg update
Topic 8 FINAL TOPiC_ Val _ parent of a child_ABSOLUTE FINAL
2021-04-23-NSCS Phenology Mica
21-04-22 North Shore Journal
21-04-21_Leo_Vax Update-Sara Preston_Lake Co
Topic 7 Final _Kevin Rodlund Solvay & JUlie L. Long Term Healthcare
LNS-River through two Harbors - day 4
LNS-River through two Harbors - day 3
LNS-River through two Harbors - day 2
LNS-River through two Harbors - day 1
LNS-River through two Harbors - day 10
LNS-River through two Harbors - day 9
LNS-River through two Harbors - day 8
LNS-River through two Harbors - day 7
LNS-River through two Harbors - day 6
LNS-River through two Harbors - day 5
21-04-13_Leo_THHS Principal Julie Benson
NSCS Phenology 21-04-16,Kendall
21-04-16 Greg Ruberg update-TWEAKED
Topic 6 Katie Van Ness hospice volunteers
Whistling Pines ep 15 of 15
Beer Barrel Polka
Whistling Pines ep 13 of 15
Whistling pines ep 12 of 15
Pancho & Lefty
Synchopated Clock
What's Happenin' 21-04-02
April 9th Knife river news
21-04-09_Leo_Greg_Hospital check-in
NSCS Phenology 21-04-09,Adeline
Topic 5 Final _ Lori Williams _Hospice _Grief and Covid
21-03-31_Leo_PART 2-Vax Update-Sara Preston_Lake Co 2
21-03-31_Leo_PART 1-Vax Update-Sara Preston_Lake Co 2
21-03-31_Leo_ Intermission Bridge-Vax Update-Sara Preston_Lake Co 2
21-03-31_Leo_ Intermission Bridge-Vax Update-Sara Preston_Lake Co
21-03-31_Leo_PART 2-Vax Update-Sara Preston_Lake Co
21-03-31_Leo_PART 1-Vax Update-Sara Preston_Lake Co
21-03-31_Leo_PART 2-Vax Update-Sara Preston_Lake Co
21-03-31_Leo_PART 1-Vax Update-Sara Preston_Lake Co
21-03-31_Leo_PART 2-Vax Update-Sara Preston_Lake Co
21-03-31_Leo_PART 1-Vax Update-Sara Preston_Lake Co
21-03-31_Leo_ Intermission Bridge-Vax Update-Sara Preston_Lake Co
21-03-31_Leo_PART 1-Vax Update-Sara Preston_Lake Co
21-03-31_Leo_PART 1-Vax Update-Sara Preston_Lake Co
21-03-31_Leo_ Intermission Bridge-Vax Update-Sara Preston_Lake Co
Whistling Pines ep 07 of 15
Whistling Pines ep 06 of 15
Whistling Pines ep 10 of 15
Whistling Pines ep 09 of 15
Whistling Pines ep 08 of 15
Topic 4_Final_ Vera Glenn living dreams
Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain
Blue Eyes, instrumental
Whistling Pines ep 01 of 15_final
Whistling Pines ep 05 of 15
21-03-26-NSCS Phenology Nora
21-03-26_Leo_GregR_Hospital Check-in
21-3-21_ 3rd half hour show_ Jim DeMaine Death with Dignity
MM with Dean Hovey about his book Whispering Pines which kicks off Literally from NS march 29
NSCS Phenology 21-03-20 Phoenix
21-3-13 Surviving Hospice: Life Goes On
21-03-19 Katya, Greg Ruberg, vaccine and COVID update
March 15_Final FINAL _2nd Half hour show_ Topic 2 Gina Grief& Loss
2021-03-12-NSCS Phenology Josiah
21-03-12 Katya, Greg Ruberg, hospital ,covid update
21-03-11 Knife River News (What's Happenin')
21-03-02_Leo_Vax Update-Sara Preston_Lake Co
What's Happenin' 21-03-05 Mayor Chris Swanson, Kenny weather
21-3-9 1st half hour show _Craig Carlson chaplain
NSCS Phenology 21-03-05,Kim
21-03-05 Katya, Greg Ruberg, Hospital
21-03-05 Katya, Greg Ruberg, Hospital 2
What's Happenin' 21-01-22 FINAL
What's Happenin' 21-02-26 RAW
Episode 6 FINAL_Tuesday and website show _ Paul home funeral&Ellen body blessing_
20210226-NSCS Phenology Taylor 122539
20210226-NSCS Phenology Taylor 122539
NSCS Phenology 21-01-29_ ABBY
NSCS Phenology 21-01-22 Everly
NSCS Phenology 21-02-12_Jenifer
NSCS Phenology 21-02-05,Amy
21-02-05 Katya, Greg Ruberg,Lake veiw hospital administrator
21-01-29 Katya, Greg Ruberg, Hospital report
21-01-22 Katya, Greg Ruberg, hospital
21-02-10 Leo_ Vaccination Update Week of Feb 8th
21-2-19Knife River News
What's Happenin' 21-02-12 Janelle Jones, Kenny weather
What's Happenin' 21-02-05 FINAL
Episode 5 FINAL FINAL UPDATE_ Natural Burial _
21-2-12 Social Median And Mental Health Issues - Part 3
21-02-19_Leo_Greg_Hospital Check-in
21-02-17 Leo_VaccinationUpdate-Sara Preston_Lake Co
FINAL 1_ Episode 4 Julie Johnson_ stages before death and Karen Johnson_ home support for parent _with music
21-02-12 Katya, Greg Ruberg, hospital 2
Episode 3_Keith P Hospice_Ellen death doulas_Kathy Mcquinn-stories and hospice
End of Life Episode 2
What's Happenin' 21-01-29 FINAL
21-01-26 _Leo_vaccination Report
Ellen overview part 1&2 FINAL
21-01-20 Leo, MN Dept of Health COVID update for the week
21-01-14 Knife River NEWS (Moose tweaked)
21-1-16 Social Media and Mental Health Issues - Community
21-1-16 Social Media and Mental Health Issues - Community
21-01-13 Leo_Sara Preston_Lake Co_Jan Vaxx Update
20210115- NSCS Phenology-Sara
21-01-15 Katya, Greg Ruberg, hospital report
21-01-13 Leo_Sara Preston_Lake Co_Jan Vaxx Update
21-01-06_Leo_Updated Week of January 4th Vaccination Report
20-12-18 Katya, Greg Ruberg FINAL
20-12-16 Leo_ Sara Preston_Vaccinations
20-12-16 Leo_Tracy Gilsvik_ Covid Situation-Lake Co
20-12-11 Katya, Greg Ruberg hospital
20-12-04 Katya, Greg Ruberg
12-01-20_Leo_ Waterview Shores and COVID_Bethany Delvas
2020-11-25_Leo_ Chris and Cathy Belfield_COVID Case Contact Tracing
20-12-19 Social Media and Mental Health Pt 1
20-11-13 Rebroadcast Getting Through the Holidays
21-01-08 Katya, Greg Ruberg hospital report CLIP FIXED
21-01-06_Leo_Updated Week of January 4th Vaccination Report
If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out
Hobo's Lullaby
Amazing Grace
Portrait of an Artist
20-10-16 Greg Ruberg with Leo
20-11-09_Leo_ COVID Update_ Public Health_Tracy Gilsvik
20-11-09 Leo_ COVID and Schools w_ Superintendent Jay Belcastro
20-11-06 Katya, Greg Ruberg hospital report
20-10-30 Katya,GregRuberg
20-10-27 Leo_ Molly Gadsby School Nurse COVID-19 and Schools
20-10-23 Katya, Greg Ruberg hospital report
20-10-21 Leo_Lareesa Sandretsky Lake Co Covid Communications Coord
20-08-12 Leo w_Kitty Mayo_ Testng, schools, COVID tracing troubles
20-09-22 Leo_ Public Hlth Sprvsr Tracy Gilsvik- Lake Co COVID Uptick
20-09-18 Katya, Greg Ruberg - Hospital Report
20-09-11 Katya with Greg Ruberg
Greg Ruberg 10-16-20
20-10-16 Anxiety and Fear
20-09-18 The State of North Shore Mental Health
20-08-15 Difficult Discussion with Family - Mental Health
20-08-21 Greg Ruberg Hospital Report
20-08-28,Katya, Greg
20-09-08 Leo_ Public Hlth Sprvsr Tracy Gilsvik- Lake County COVID Uptick
20-07-24 Katya, Greg Ruberg 20-07-24
20-07-28 Leo Part 1_BJ Kohlstedt Emergency Manager-COVID Update
20-07-28 Leo Part2_BJ Kohlstedt Emergency Manager-COVID Update
20-08-07 Katya, Greg Ruberg, Hospital Report
20-08-12 Leo w_Kitty Mayo_ Testng, schools, COVID tracing troubles
20-08-14 Katya, Greg Ruberg, Hospital Report
20-06-16 BJ Kohlstedt Lake Co Emerg Mgr Update
20-06-06 Hospital Check in with Greg Ruberg
20-06-12 Katya and Greg 20-06-12
20-06-19 Katya and Rachel Lakeview Hospital -- New Normal
20-06-19 Katya and Greg, Lakeview Hosp CEO
20-06-26 Katya and Greg
20-07-17 Katya, Greg Ruberg
20-07-7_BJ Kohlstedt Emergency Manager-COVID Update
May 2020 - Suicide Prevention
20-06-12 Coping With Grief
Greg Ruberg- Hospital Check-in 5/29
20-06-02 BJ Kohlstedt Lake Co Emerg Mgr Update
20-05-27 Kitty Mayo_Contact Tracing COVID-19
20-05-15 NSCS Phenology Report_Wyatt
20-05-23 Peace Page Israel Kamikawiwo'ole
20-05-19 BJ Kohlstedt-COVID-19_ Lake Co Emergency Manager
20-05-22 COVID-19 Greg Ruberg Hospital check-in
New Recording 17
20-05-15 Leo and Greg Ruberg Hospital Check-inmp3
What's Happenin' 20-05-08 - Dan Walker
He Loves and She Loves
20-05-08 - Katya - Greg Ruberg - weekly covid19 update
NSCS Phenology Report 20-05-01 Josie
Restaurants, as of May 1_open, closed, hours
Other Businesses -May 1_open, closed, hours
020-05-05 BJ Kohlstedt-COVID-19_ Lake Co Emergency Manager
20-05-01 Peace Page Harper Lee
20-05-01 Katya - Greg Ruberg - Weekly COVID Check-in
What's Happenin' 20-05-01 - Janelle Jones
What's Happenin' 20-04-24 - Matt Huddleston
20-04-25 Peace Page Prince
Pheno 20-04-18 lucy
20-04-11 NSCS Phenology- Emma
20-04-24 - Katya - Greg Ruberg COVID19 weekly
OPEN Restaurants,ETC (faster but not too fast)
20-04-22_ COVID-19_BJ Kohlstedt_ Lake Co Emergency Mgr128
Lean on Me
Katya - Greg Ruberg Weekly COVID19 Check-in
20-03-20 NSCS Phenology_Mrs_Tietge
Phenology report
This Time The Dream's On Me
Katya - Greg Ruberg - Weekly Check-in
Katya - Greg Ruberg - Weekly COVID19 Check-in
Covid-OPEN Restaurants and other businesses
NSCS Phenology 20-03-28 Ezra
Weary Blues
PressRelease-LkCo-HHS,April -1,2020
03-31-20 Rep Mary Murphy-COVID-19 and the legislature
Katya - Taylor Holm (WH Excerpt)
20-03-27 Katya - Greg Ruberg - Hospital Check-in
Restaurants-OPEN and CLOSED
20-03-28 Katya_ Steve Knudson from Super One
NSCS Phenology 20-03-21 Ms Jackson
Track 6
20-03-23 Update on closure issues with Bill Crandall - School District
Katya - Michelle Miller - Foodshelf COVID19 Response
March 20th interview- Katya Gordon with Greg Ruberg-Lakeview Hospital
The Water Is Wide (after O Waly, Waly)
03-18-20_Dist Superintendent Bill Crandall-Programs_ Dealing w-School Closure
03-06-20 NSCS Phenology_Ellen
Living in the Promiseland
20-03-10 COVID-19_BJ Kohlstedt_Lake Co Emergency Mgr
20-02-28 NSCS Phenology-Will
You Are So Beautiful
You Are So Beautiful
20-02-29 Peace Page Katherine Johnson
We're Gonna Make It
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Mental Health in the New Year
NSCS Phenology 20-02-08 Ruka
20-02-15 Peace Page Maya Angelou
Three Little Birds
20-02-01 Peace Page Janis Joplin
20-01-24 NSCS Phenology-Emma
20-01-17 NSCS Phenology-Kelton
20-01-10 NSCS Phenology-Theo
20-01-17 Peace Page David Bowie
Wake Up This Mornin' With My Mind on Freedom (Civil Rights Movement)
Let's Talk Mental Health 12-2-19 Johansen Interview
19-11-18 Program
The Roots of My Raising
19-12-28 Peace Page Curtis Mayfield
NSCS Phenology 19-12-20 Alex
19-12-13 NSCS Phenology Larissa
A Love Like This
NSCS Phenology 19-12-06 Emma
19-12-14 Peace Page St Nicholas
Echoes Of Time
NSCS Phenology 11-16-19 Ruka
19-11-23 Peace Page Sitting Bull and Chief Joseph
NSCS Phenology 11-09-19 Ellen
Veterans Day Minne 2019 Fri_ Finished show_ 11-15-19
19-11-08 - Isaac
Sally Goodin'
19-10-26 Peace Page President Jimmy Carter
NSCS Phenology 19-10-26 Alex
NSCS Phenology 19-10-19 Kelton
10-30-19 Arne Carlson on Polymet
10-30-19 Arne Carlson on Polymet
19-11-2 Peace Page Sergeant Leonard Matlovich
NSCS Phenology 19-10-19 Kelton
19-10-19 Peace Page Paul Newman
NSCS Phenology 19-10-05 Lexi
NSCS Phenology 19-10-05 Lexi
Beale Street Mama
Dream A Little Dream Of Me
NSCS Phenology 19-09-28 Ellen
NSCS Phenology 19-09-28 Ellen
NSCS Phenology 19-09-21 Emerson
NSCS Phenology 19-09-14 Max
The Happy Song (Dum-Dum)
19-09-17 Peace Page BB King
Old Father Thames
Old Father Thames
Old Father Thames
Old Father Thames
Old Father Thames
Old Father Thames
Old Father Thames
Old Father Thames
Old Father Thames
Old Father Thames
Old Father Thames
Katya - Jay Belcastro - Clarifying School Closure
Old Father Thames
Old Father Thames
Old Father Thames
Old Father Thames
Old Father Thames
Old Father Thames
Echoes in the Rain
Echoes in the Rain
19-09-06 - Belcastro, Jay - THHS Principle, Project
19-08-30 - Clannaugh, Dave - Habitat For Humanity, Project
19-08-30 - Fran Kaliher - Station Founder, History, Retirement
19-06-07 - Paron, Jake - Schlangen, Kaija - Age 2 Age, Internship, Events
19-05-24 - Matheny, Saprina - Hanson, Lisa - Mental Health, Awareness, Help
19-05-10 - Deaner, Paul - LSCT, Junie B Jones, Casting
19-04-26 - Rennwald, Jackie - Radio experience, Female Hosts
19-04-19 - Ronstad, Sky - Knight, Sam - CLUE play production, theatre hints
19-04-12 - Gordon, Mark and Katya- - Sailing, sea change expedition
19-04-05 - Seewel, Jean - Cobbs, Katie - North Shore Horizons, Domestic violence, Taste of the North
19-03-39 - Cox, Logan - Scoggin, Elizabeth - New show members, indtroduce, fun questions
19-03-22 - Kohlstedt, BJ - CERT Training, disaster preperation
NSCS Phenology report 19-03-20,Azalea
NSCS Phenology March 13, 2019 Gabrielle
19-03-15 - Swanson, Chris - Legislature, CIP, Utility bill
19-03-08 - Cox, Logan - Robotics, regional
NSCS Phenology Feb 15, 2019 leo
NSCS Phenology Feb 8, 2019 lizzie
19-02-22 - Kohlsted, BJ - Lake County Emergency Alert System EVERBRIDGE
19-02-15 - Greer, Lane - Newsies Cast Member, Actor, WKHS Alum
NSCS Phenology Febr 1, 2019 Olivia
NSCS Phenology Jan 25 2019 JT
NSCS Phenology Jan 25 2019 JT
19-01-21 - Sunday, Thatcher - Monday Morning , DECA, MN president, findthekind pt.2
19-01-21 - Sunday, Thatcher - Monday Morning , DECA, MN president, findthekind pt.1
19-01-16 - Busa, Liz - Beargrease Cub Run
NSCS Phenology Jan 18 2019,Derek
NSCSphenology Jan11, 2018
NSCS Phenology January 4, 2019 -Alaena
19-01-11 - Hanson, Brice - USAC Junior Curling Champinship
19-01-04 - Larson, Riley - Peterson, Elsa - DECA Find The Kind
NSCS Phenology Dec 14, 2018
Phenolofy 18-12-21
The Christmas Song
12-04-18 Greg Ruberg Hospital Expansion
NSCS Phenology Dec 7,2018
NSCS phenology Nov 30,2018
2018.11.30 Amy Jordahl Light Up The Park
2018.11.23 Chris Swanson
2018.11.16 Kay Swanson Toy Drive
2018.11.16 Kay Swanson Toy Drive
NSCS Phenology 2018-11-16,Signe
NSCS Phenology 2018-11-09,Faith
Agates playoff Nov 1, Final play with Leo at studio-128
NSCS Phenology 2018-11-02,Gabe
NSCS Phenology 20181026-Beatrice
NSCS Phenology 2018-10-17, Win,
At-Large Council Candidate Forum Final for website 2018
Ward 1 Forum 18-10-16 Final for website
Katya interviews Skip Sandman
Katya, Pete Stauber - 8th Dist candidate
NSCS Phenology 2018-10-12,Azalea
NSCS phenologySept28,2018 Kayden
NSCS Phenology 2018-10-05,LeAnne
NSCS Phenology 2018-10-05,LeAnne
NSCS Phenology 2018-09-21 Signe
WNK-Ep22-NK news resources
WNK-Ep19-neighborhood watch-web
Scott Golden 05-30-18 HSS
WNK-Ep18-consumer goods
WNK-Ep17-NKs' reaction to N-S summit
WNK-Ep16-mixed message, SK culture-web
Feature on KTWH-Chicago AM station WGN
Mark and Katya Gordon 18-3-16
WNK-Ep11-Doing for your country
One Watershed One Plan
02-01-18 Paul Deaner
Mercury Pollution
Septic Systems
Common Buckthorn 2
Climate Change and Forests
Forest Service
Climate Change
Winter Salt Use
Terrestrial Invasive Species
Spruce Budworm
Septic Systems - February 2016
North Shore - January 2016
Invasive Earthworms
Fishing Opener - AIS and Fishing Laws
Emerald Ash Borer
Japanese Barberry and European Buckthorn
2016 Wrap Up
3 rattles
3 Little Chips
TomKoehler_Red Riding Hood
The Beat Farm
TKoehler_emperor's new clothes
Kiersten Alice Interview
Santa for Sale
Two Harbors Ukulele Group at Heritage Days
Santa for Sale
Kiersten and Alice Interview
Grown By Our Own Interviews
Sounds of the Season - water and wind, April
Dale & Fran Interview Part 1
Dale & Fran Interview Part 2
Dale & Fran Interview Part 3
Dale & Fran Interview Part 4
Dale & Fran Interview Part 5
Dale & Fran Interview Part 6
Paul Deaner Interview
Don and Judy Ness Interview (Part 1)
Don and Judy Ness Interview (Part 2)
Don and Judy Ness Interview (Part 3)
Don and Judy Ness Interview (Part 4)
Gus Wild Side
Will & Oden History of the Rec Board
Will Oden and the Origins of ELC
What is the meaning of the Finnish term Sisu?
Why did you come to the North Shore?